Chapter 36

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June 2006

Alex P.O.V.
My eyes fluttered opened as I gained consciousness. A sea of golden waves tickled my face and the warmth of her body pressed up against mine. I moved my arm attempting to stretch without waking her up. My arm was trapped, dead under her waist. I sighed and turned to lie on my back. I caught a glimpse of the wall behind me with the canvas heart. The picture right in the middle was of us. It was weird to think how long I'd known Isabel, how long we'd been together, been apart, been "just friends". She'd been a huge part of my life right from the beginning but she was the most important art as well. She suddenly stretched and made a cute noise and turned her body into mine. Her chocolate brown eyes peered between her tossed wavy hair and a slow grin spread across her lips.
"Happy Birthday Izzy!" I whispered pulling her close. She mumbled into my chest as I feathered kisses on her neck.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABEL!" Jack stormed into the room landing right on top of the bed with a thud. He pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tight. Her sweet laughter filled the room as her best friend squeezed the life out of her.
"Thank you Jacky!" she said cuddling him back.
"Morning Lex!" he chirped kissing my cheek before springing off the bed and raced out of the room.
"Does he ever run out of energy?" she said, sitting up in the bed now. I propped my head on my elbow and smiled waiting to grab her attention from her day dream. "Hey!" she turned to me suddenly "It's my birthday!" she tilted her head to the side suddenly realising that it was in fact her birthday. "Aw that's kind of cool." she smiled to herself. 
"Awwww!" I half chuckled at how dizzy she could be
"What?" her head snapped to face me.
"Nothing! You're just so cute sometimes." I cooed.
"Ew. No thank you." she giggled trying to climb out of the bed before I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into my body. "Hey, do I get a birthday kiss?" she asked. I nodded my head as I crushed my lips into hers. Slowly I moved her beneath me intensifying the kiss. Her fingers played with my hair as she softly bit my lip and pulled away. "No." she warned, pushing me off her. I moaned as she giggled and got out of bed. Jack re-entered the room, this time with Heather and with an armful of presents and excitedly deposited them on the bed.
"Aw Jack!" she squealed wrapping her arms around his  neck and kissed his cheek. "This is so sweet!" she sat cross legged on the bed and began to tear off the layers of wrapping paper.
"I'll give you your present later." I whispered and her eyes lit up.

Isabel P.O.V.
After opening the immense amount of presents from Jack and the Barakats and Heather, we all went downstairs to the amazing smell the perfumed the house.
"Chocolate-chip pancakes?" I asked wishfully.
"Exactly! Joyce grinned "Happy Birthday beautiful!" she smiled giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. We all sat down at the table. Excited chatter filled the room with the plans of my joint eighteenth with Jack they'd all insisted on having tonight. 
"Ew Jack, put on some shoes please. You know I hate feet!" I protested. He rolled his eyes and ran into the laundry room in search of socks.
"Pancakes are ready!" Joyce announced and everyone cheered as she served them up. "Now, there is one last present to be opened. I'm a bit nervous about this one but I hope I made the right choice." The colour drained from Jack's face as Joyce handed me a large A4 envelope. "I really hope I got this right sweetie, we debated it from the start." I ripped open the seal and filed through a series of documents. There were a few whispers around me.
"Well, what is it?" Heather asked becoming impatient. I hear Jack silence her and tell her to leave me take my time. Jack's fingers met mine beneath the table and intertwined. I took a moment to soak this all in. I felt tears race down my face, dripping onto my pancakes. I sniffled as Alex moved them out of my way so I wouldn't ruin them. I shut my eyes and looked up at the people surrounding me.
"Hey everybody, I'm now a Barakat." I smiled "I'm a Barakat." I whispered and looked to Jack sitting at my side. I looked into his eyes that also looked a bit glossy "I'm a Barakat?" I asked.
"You're a Barakat." he nodded shyly.
"I'm a Barakat!" I sprang from my seat and turned to Joyce who was a nervous wreck. "I'm a part of your family now? Like legally? Even though I'm now eighteen? My- my father allowed this? I'm a Barakat?" I questioned.
"As long as you actually want to be a part of our family sweetheart! Yes, your father agreed and it's all legal and signed because it was thought in your best interest. Plus you were always part of the family, we thought it was only fair to make it official before they set you off on your own!" Joyce said "I hope you are okay with this though Honey-" I didn't let her finish as I grabbed her and enveloped her in a hug.
"I'm a Barakat!" I squealed and hugged everyone who was equally as happy. Finally Alex took me into his arms and held me tight.
"Alex, I actually have a family now. I never ever have to leave again baby!" I cheered.
"I know sweetie, it's amazing. I'm so, so happy for you." he said cuddling me as close as he could. I felt his heartbeat, his warm breath on my neck and his lips gently brushed mine. There was nowhere I would rather be.

The loud beat of the music continued to ring in my ears and the smell of smoke and booze was caught in my nose.
"Tonight was so amazing! What was that club called? We should go back to that club! The doorman was so friendly. Let's go back!" I encouraged. Alex laughed and grabbed my hand.
"Well somebody was drinking something she shouldn't!" I pouted as Alex unlocked the door of his house. "Jack, Heaths you guys take the upstairs spare room. Just please don't be too loud!" Alex whined.
"Gotcha Boss!" Jack slurred as Heather led him upstairs. 
"Can I have a glass of water? And maybe an Aspirin?" I said as a headache suddenly erupted in my skull. I clutched my head as he led me into the kitchen.
"Sure baby." he said. He put his hands on my hips and lift me onto the counter top. He kissed my lips softly then raided the cupboards. He handed me a glass of water and a tablet already broken in half. I gulped it back and smiled. "You want your presents?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yes please!" I clapped my hands with excitement. Without any notice, he swooped me off the counter into his arms and carried me upstairs.
"Well that was unexpected Gaskarth!" I giggled. He sat me on the bed and walked out of the room. My head was slightly calmer now as I anticipated my presents. He came back in with a bag and a smile. 
"Okay, opening time." he declared. I pat the bed for him to come sit next to me. He rested his arm on my shoulder as I began to open. First I opened some CDs, a book from the series I was reading, One Tree Hill and How I Met Your Mother on DVD. The next present I was told to keep until the last few. I uncovered a green, white and yellow CD case titled "Put Up Or Shut Up - All Time Low". My eyes flickered towards Alex smiling foolishly down at me then back to the CD.
"Your EP?" I asked shocked.
"First copy ever made." he smiled. 
"Aw Alex I can't wait to hear it! Thank you baby!" I kissed his cheek.
" Okay, two more then you're all mine!" he winked. I rolled my eyes and picked up a small purple envelope and pulled out two tickets. I examined the carefully before noticing what they were. 
"Fall Out Boy? Fall Out boy concert tickets! Wow Gaskarth you really know you're way into a girls pants!" I squealed excitedly "Oh my God I can't wait! I love you!" I said pressing my lips against his again. 
"Okay, okay last one then we can do that all you want!" he said picking up the last pink envelope. A smile played on his lips. I ripped off the seal. Two plane tickets to Spain.
“We’re going to Spain? Like together?” My jaw dropped.
“Check the Fall Out Boy tickets.” His lopsided grin was clear now.
“We’re going to Spain to see Fall Out Boy?” I shrieked.
“We sure are baby! And the rest of the week you are all mine!” He grinned.
“Like a romantic getaway?” I laughed.
“I suppose so.” He smiled.
“ I love you so much Alex, thank you.” I said wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I could.
“I love you too baby, I really do” he said and started to kiss me again.

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