Chapter 39

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June 2007

"Who was the chick?" Alex asked as he handed me the ice cream.
"British girl, heart broken. Just tried to cheer her up." I shrugged.
"I didn't get to see her face dammit. Was she hot?" his eager eyes widened. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Oh yes Alex she was so sexy. Her icy blue eyes were enticing and the sexual long, blonde hair mmmm. Oh and those succulent lips." I joked. He laughed and shook his head and draped his arm over my shoulder.
"The sky is really pretty today." I commented. "It's like crystal blue. It's so beautiful." I cooed.
"Do you know what else is pretty today? You." he smirked and kissed my nose.
"Oh God!" I whined.
"What? What's wrong?" he asked concerned.
"You're so fucking cheesy!"
"I know. It takes skill to be this cheesy though." he grinned. He suddenly sprang to his feet and looked around. The beach was pretty packed. He reached his hand out to my to help me up. "Come on, let's get out of here." he held my hand and led me along the beach. After a while of walking Alex bought burgers and drinks in a little fast food place off the beach but refused to let me eat any until we'd reached the destination.
"If they are cold by the time we reach this place of yours, I will be so pissed that you can sleep on the floor." I warned. A smile played on the corner of his lips. "That was a serious threat!" I repeated. He chuckled a bit. "Oh my God, you think I wouldn't follow through. I am telling you-" Just as I began to get fiery, Alex pressed his forefinger gently to my lips.
"Calm down gorgeous, we're almost here. Now I need you to promise that you will close your eyes. No peeking." he held out his little finger as if he wanted to 'pinky swear'. 
"Seriously? Pinky swear?" he nodded sheepishly "Wait, how will I know where I'm going?"
"You have me. Don't you trust me?" he grinned. I huffed and rolled my eyes. He passed me the paper bag with food. "Close your eyes." he said. I reluctantly shut my eyes. Suddenly my feet went beneath me and I was being carried.
"No Alex! Stop, put me down. You know how much I hate this. Put me down." I squealed in protest.
"Chill out Iz, we're here." he said placing me gently on my feet. "Okay now look." I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Alex this really is so beautiful. Even if we are eating cheese burgers. It's so amazing up here. How did you find it?" I was genuinely impressed with the low cliff the looked out over the sun setting on the glistening blue ocean.
"I did my research. And I know you find these soppy things romantic and shit. The cheese burgers were for me though." he grinned looking quite pleased with himself. 
"I was wondering why you brought a rucksack to the beach."
"What? That is one of the stupidest things you've ever said. Why wouldn't I bring a rucksack to the beach?" he said. I thought about it and began to laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm not even thinking straight. I'm just so impressed by you Mr Gaskarth."
"Why thank you Ms Barakat!" he smiled and kissed me. His lips moved from mine to my jaw, placing small kisses along my jaw line. I moaned quietly as he made his way down to my collar bone.
"You okay?" he whispered into my ear. His cool breath sent a shiver through my body. I nodded and he continued. I felt my heart beat begin to speed up, I knew where this was going. I swung my leg over his so I was straddling him. He lay back on the blanket he had packed. I fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, eager to rip it off. In one swift motion, he pulled my tshirt over my head and flung it behind him. I placed my hands on either side of his face and kissed him. Our lips moved quickly together, hungry for each other. I bit my lip to hold back a moan. He unbuttoned my shorts and took off his own as I kicked my off. He swiftly switched position so he was towering over me. He pulled off my underwear, kissing down my torso as he did so.
"You ready?" he whispered.
"As ever." I took a deep breath and bit my lip. He continued to give me soft kisses as he became faster. Eventually, we simultaneously moaned in pleasure. His musical laughter drifted through the air as he pulled me in close to his body and wrapped his arms and a blanket around me.

I woke up confused and unaware of where I was. There was several chorus' of snoring around me. The heat of Alex's body was pressed up against me. It was warm and sweaty in the bunk. I attempted to roll out of Alex's arms because I was too warm. I had an amazing sleep though. The night before had been just amazing. I couldn't quite remember how we'd gotten home though. I crept down the narrow hall to the back lounge. The door creaked open to reveal Heather curled up on the sofa with her laptop. She smiled weakly at me.
"Want to come watch some Supernatural with me?" she whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
"Always!" I grinned. I padded across the cool floor and curled up next to my best friend. "What's up with you sweetie? Why are you up so early?" I asked. She shrugged and played with the ring Jack had given to her for her Birthday. "Come on Heaths, I'm your best friend. Tell me!" I poked her ribs.
"Ouch! I don't know really. What you said the other night about how you weren't sure how you'd keep your relationship with Alex?" there was a sad wash to her voice, like she hadn't gotten much sleep.
"Yes?" I nodded remembering my rant from a few nights ago.
"Well I never had really considered the fact I'd be away from Jack for so long. The most we've ever been apart is two weeks at the most because of a family holiday but... what if he is away on tour and sees other girls, and we've never been away from each other that long and-" he voice broke as tears streamed down her face. It was very rare to see my best friend cry. I was one of the only people who ever  saw this side of her.
"Shhh honey shhh calm down." I hushed as I pulled her into my arms. "I know exactly how you feel. We're both going through the same thing right now. The only thing you can really do is think of the positive, think of the future. I've never met two people better suited for each other than you and Jack. You've been together for so long and have rarely even fought. If anyone should be worried it should be me. Don't panic, no, not yet. Darling you'll be okay. It all will. Just relax." I attempted to calm her down. I felt her take in a deep breath and exhale.
"How are you and Alex right now?" she asked trying to distract herself.
"I think we're doing okay really. Have you said anything to Jack yet?" I asked. She shook her head and looked down. "Listen to me Heather. things happen for a reason and I'm almost certain you and Jack are made for each other. We'll get through this together okay?"
"Okay." she smiled weakly and squeezed my hand.

*Authors note: I apologise if this is really terrible. Was just trying out something new. Sorry! Hope it's okay! <3

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