Chapter 44

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"Hi. It's been a while, I know. I've been busy... but that's not an excuse. Katie started Kindergarten today. Actually, you probably don't know who Katie is. Katie is my first daughter. My second is on the way. I like Alexa. Katie and Alexa. I think they go sweetly together. Although Jack's son is called Alex. Is that to many Alexs? I'm not sure.

"Wow. Why is this so difficult? I don't remember it being so hard. Then again, it has been ten years. I'm so sorry that it has been ten years. I never meant for it to be ten years. But hey, I'm back in Baltimore now. I can't believe I stayed away for ten years. I couldn't wait to leave the place then, now I just can't wait to return. It feels right. Theres something that just fits. With Katie starting kindergarten, I couldn't imagine settling down anywhere else.

"Jack is here in Baltimore. As if we could ever be separated. I feel anxious if I go a single day without seeing him, never mind talking to him. He's my rock. He held me together for so long that I could never imagine my life without him. Even now, I can stand on my own two feet. It certainly took time, but I'm there. Even though I know I can function without him, I know I never want to. He is probably the most amazing person in my life. I probably shouldn't say that. I have a family. I have you. I know I always have you. Jack is just the other half of me. He's my oldest and dearest friend and I can never thank him enough for what he does for me. He and Heather have two fostered kids as well was two of their own now. They really are a beautiful family.

"I have been living a rather reckless life. I was able to keep up with it until Katie was born. I have seen the world and it is beautiful. I always did want to see the world. I'm happy now to take my time now and enjoy living in Baltimore for a bit, but with Alex touring a lot I'm sure that I still have a lot more to see. I think Italy was my favourite place, probably because that's where we got engaged. It would take Alex to think proposing in the Colosseum would be romantic, but he made sure it was.

"Dad attended the wedding, but Jack walked me down the aisle. It only felt right. It was really, really hard. I thought of you a lot, but I felt so loved by everyone around me and I know you were there too. Heather and Jack got married the week after us, we played around with the idea of a double wedding but we thought it would be better so we could all be in the wedding party.

"Our house is beautiful. Our child is beautiful and no doubt the rest will be. I'm just so so happy. I know you'd be happy for me. I'll love you forever." I took a deep breath in and dropped the daisy I was fiddling with into the grass. I took one last look and the grave and gently placed my hand on the flowers I'd placed there earlier. I stood up and walked back to the car. Alex was leaning against it, looking as handsome as ever. His arms enveloped me into a hug and I instantly felt comforted. He was always and will always be the love of my life. I reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. 

"Are you okay?" he asks planting a kiss on my forehead. I beam up at him, and his smile beams right back.

"I'll be fine."

A.N: Hey hey hey! It's only taken six years but I'll be fine is officially complete! I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope the ending isn't too lame. I don't think I actually wanted to finish it because I was just having so much fun writing this. Anyway, if you have any questions about what happens any of the characters feel free to comment because I know that's something I hate in stories. I'm going to be a lot more active on here from now on too so I'm writing a few other things if you want to check them out. Thank you all for reading and I hope that you all enjoyed it, lots of love xx.

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