End of the World: The Doctor 7.5

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 83: Arc 7 Part 5

Author: 橘子


Long Ao personally led the team. The convoy included three military grade jeeps and six modified trucks. They all set off at the same time to escort Mu Chen to his family's old pharmaceutical factory to fetch the equipment. Two years had already passed since the world first 'ended'. Qiao Chen's family's pharmaceutical factory was basically abandoned and rotting.

The general population still needed medicines for basic diseases even though zombie attacks and wounds could only be healed by those with healing abilities. There were too few people with healing abilities after all. They wouldn't be able to take care of zombie wounds as well as fevers or infections at the same time.

Unfortunately, as time goes on, medicine stock decreased. There were less and less drugs they could give to the sick and needy. There were people dying because they weren't able to receive proper treatment on time. The base not only needed people who knew how to research and produce drugs, but they also needed to have enough raw materials and equipment. Bases with all three of these were exceedingly rare.

Qiao Chen directed the soldiers to drive the car to the equipment storage unit after they entered the pharmaceutical factory. He looked out the window and estimated the number of zombies outside. A place like this should have a lot of high leveled zombie gathering around. However, there were far less zombies here than he expected. Qiao Chen scanned the deteriorated houses and compared them to the others that had broken into rubble. There seemed to have been a group of people fighting the zombies around here recently.

Long Ao sat next to Qiao Chen the entire time. He noticed Qiao Chen frowning while lost in thought, so he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Judging from the remnants left behind there seems to have been people who were here recently. This used to be a very populous city, but it's been two years already. Everyone who survived would have long moved away already. Who would venture into this zombie infested wasteland for a long abandoned pharmaceutical factory? It's even more curious since it's very obvious that there should be a high concentration of high leveled zombies here too..."

Long Ao looked out the window too and quickly surveyed the surrounding environment as he asked, "Who else knew that there was a shipment of new equipment hidden away in your family's pharmaceutical factory?"

Qiao Chen lowered his head and thought for a while. Then he said, " I know of a few people who know too, but... Let's retrieve the equipment first. I'll talk to you about this matter as thoroughly as you want after we return. I'm very confident in our security measures. Those people wouldn't be able to obtain the equipment even if they knew about it."

Qiao Chen figured that it was probably Fang Huailin and them who visited this place. There were other people who worked in the factory before and knew about the new equipment and vault, but he had seen many of those people mutate into zombies or die due to the zombie outbreak. Qiao Chen mentioned the equipment to Fang Huailin before, so it was most likely him who informed his base.

The vault was underground. It was very likely that zombies were littered throughout the passage leading up to it. Therefore, Long Ao asked the soldiers to go ahead and clear out the zombies in the passageway before the entire convoy entered and clogged up the exit.

Over 20 soldiers jumped out of the back of the truck. A large number of zombies immediately surrounded them, so another 20 soldiers quickly exited the other truck and entered the underground passage to assist them.

The underground road was very wide, but it was hidden. If one didn't know about it in advance, then it'd be quite difficult to find.

"Do you know about puzzle mechanisms?" Qiao Chen asked as they waited in the car.

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