The Rich and Powerful Occupy the Magpie Nest 1.5

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 6: Arc 1 Part 5

Author: 橘子


They arrived at an enormous cruise ship. It towered before them. This was a legal gambling boat. The halls alone mirrored the luxury casinos in Las Vegas and the interior was especially dazzling. It was so brightly lit that there was no sense of time. All sorts of people were scattered about. Some stood, while others sat around the differing tables. Some had faces locked in frowns while others were eagerly smiling from ear to ear.

Shu Wenjie and Qi Yuxuan took Qiao Chen to a table playing a high-low dice game. They wanted Qiao Chen to start with the simplest game on the floor.

Shu Wenjie set aside a stack of chips and said, "Let's use these to practice first. Just familiarize yourself with everything. I mean even if you lose some money, it shouldn't matter. Anything you lose here wouldn't even offset what you've won from before."

(T/N: Honestly guys, this is such a bad mindset for gambling. Please don't copy this. My family has a gambling addict and he always says this, but the house always wins.)

"You guys can play here. I'm going to take a look at what they have around here." Qi Yuxuan tried to make an excuse, so he wouldn't have to stick around.

"Where are you going?" Qiao Chen asked. If you're leaving, I'm going too.

"I'll just be playing something else nearby. I won't be too far."

"What are you worrying about? I'll stay with you. Let me show you how to play this one. It's really simple. You just bet on whether they roll a high or low number." Shu Wenjie quickly shifted Qiao Chen's attention away.

But Qi Yuxuan actually didn't go too far away. He played a game one table away. If Qiao Chen tilted his head, then he could see the back of Qi Yuxuan's head. They were still close enough for him to use the system and sneak into Qi Yuxuan's subconsciousness.

Qiao Chen focused and began the system's program. It launched subtle electromagnetic waves deep into Qi Yuxuan's mind. The waves couldn't control a person's behavior, but it could cause the person to be more easily persuaded. It was just like when he hypnotized Chu Mei to be haunted by nightmares filled with guilt. He just stimulated a person's deepest desires and underlying fears. Therefore, if Qi Yuxuan already had an itch for gambling, then he'd merely be more inclined to do it. It was up to Qi Yuxuan's willpower.

Qiao Chen felt someone watching him. He looked up at the windows of a four story building and used the system to zoom in. In the distance he saw Wei Zhennan behind one of the windows watching him.

After playing for a while, Qiao Chen told Shu Wenjie he was heading to the restroom. Then, he sent a message to Wei Zhennan to ask if he was on the ship.

Qiao Chen looked at the message Wei Zhennan sent. He quietly made his way to the fourth floor. There weren't many rooms on this floor, and all the doors were closed. Qiao Chen stood before the door of the room he was looking for. He was just about to knock on the door when it opened.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Chen asked as he entered.

"Why can't I be here?" Wei Zhennan brushed his fingers across Qiao Chen's face. Then he wrapped his arms around Qiao Chen and pulled him to the sofa. "It's stranger that you're here."

"Are you the boss? Is this gambling ship a part of the Wei Group?" With all the information he pulled up about Wei Zhennan, a gambling ship owned by the Wei group was not in the data. Was this something I missed?

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