The Rich and Powerful Occupy the Magpie Nest 1.1

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 2: Arc 1, Part 1

Author: 橘子


Qiao Chen took a shower in the bathroom while the staff in the bedroom began the preparations for his soul's shifting. After transmigrating, he would fall into a coma just like General Aunan. He figured it'd be better to clean up beforehand since he didn't know when he'd wake up.

Three sets of clothes were prepared for Qiao Chen to choose from: pajamas, a hospital gown, or lounge-wear. Qiao Chen didn't usually wear pajamas. How could he choose the hospital gown without feeling as though he's jinxing himself? He was a doctor for goodness sake. Qiao Chen didn't mess around anymore. He quickly chose the lounge-wear, and then walked out the bathroom.

Numerous new equipments were arranged on the Imperial General's bedside. Qiao Chen looked around as he lay on the bed next to the Imperial General. He was able to see the Emperor lying about half meter away just by turning his head. The scientist were busily working as he observed everything around him

Qiao Chen allowed the scientists to attach various instruments around his head and along his arms. Officer Mulder Foley explained the functions and taught him how to use the system they linked to his brain. With the system, he should have no problems no matter what world he jumped to. He couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous even though he was repeatedly told that everything should go off without a hitch. The key word was should, not would.

Everyone exited the room after completing all the necessary preparations. Officer Foley walked to Qiao Chen's bedside reassuring him, "You don't need to worry. The system and all of our equipment have been thoroughly developed. You'll soon transmigrate to a different dimension, alright? Use your judgement and live how you please. However, no matter what you do, do not forget to retrieve the High General's soul."

Qiao Chen smiled. He was probably the first person in the entire universe who could do something like quantum shifting.

Qiao Chen gradually fell into a state of lethargy. No matter how sleepy he felt, he still maintained a sliver of lucidity. He felt a sudden burst of dizziness amass in his mind. It was like sitting on the back of a bus for a long ride. The motion sickness kicked in full force and probably wouldn't end until he finished crossing. It caused him to feel dizzy and his chest constricted. Qiao Chen felt extremely nauseous. The urge to vomit grew worse and worse until it suddenly stopped.

Qiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. Initially, his sight was very blurry. His sight gradually cleared. The first thing Qiao Chen saw was an entirely unfamiliar room.

Qiao Chen sat up. The dizziness jumbled around his mind, because it still hadn't faded. After looking around the room, he inferred that he must have crossed over successfully. He just didn't know whose body he jumped into.

Qiao Chen was just about to get out of the bed when a sudden flurry of images appeared before his eyes. They appeared like they were on a movie screen- flashing one after the other. He had to lie back down again. Qiao Chen closed his eyes to concentrate on the images. The system in his brain read the data about this world and his new identity out to him.

The identity of his body was Qi Beichen. He and another man, named Qi Yuxuan, were switched at birth. These two families' situations and circumstances were worlds apart, so they were raised in completely opposite ends of the spectrum.

During their twenties, Qi Yuxuan needed a blood transfusion after a severe accident. It was only then did Qi Beichen's biological father find out that Qi Yuxuan did not share his blood. After an investigation, it turned out that the boys were switched at birth. They found Qi Beichen and brought him back into the household.

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