Interstellar Military Cadets 5.10

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 62: Arc 5 Part 10



The second place Qiao Chen and his group arrived at was a cave with a giant spider nesting inside. Qiao Chen was worried that if they used any explosive abilities, then the cave would collapse. This meant that Dick's greatest strength needed to shelved momentarily. Therefore, Qiao Chen stationed Dick at the cave's entrance and told him to defend the cave from intruders while he and Justin fought against the spider inside. Dick agreed and stood guard at the cave's entrance.

Unfortunately, quite some time had passed already and he was starting to get worried. He knew that Qiao Chen was currently a very strong person, but they were taking longer than he thought they would. While Dick was in the middle of his worry, he suddenly heard some footsteps that indicated someone approaching the cave. He looked vigilantly at the jungle. Dick watched until he saw Harold and his two Class D teammates appear from the brush. Dick was surprised because it was just like Qiao Chen said. They had followed them again. However, Danny and his group mates weren't there. 'Have they split up?...'

Harold's and Danny's group really did split up. Chad insisted that they shouldn't follow Qiao Chen anymore, but Harold didn't want to miss the opportunity to finally punish Qiao Chen for his transgressions. Therefore, once they separated, Harold had his group double back and follow Qiao Chen's group.

Harold saw Dick at the cave's entrance and determined that Qiao Chen should be inside.

"What are you guys doing?" Dick stopped Harold and the others from entering the cave. Qiao Chen stressed that other people, especially Harold and his group, should be allowed entry.

"It's none of your business. Now get out of my way." Harold retorted. He reached out to push Dick out of his way.

Dick took two steps back and didn't allow Harold's hand to touch him. Then he warned, "This cave is ours. We got here first, so you better go to a different one. If you want to go in this cave, then you have to go through me to get to it."

"What is this? First come first serve? If I follow that logic, then doesn't that mean that the whole jungle is first come first serve? So everyone else who didn't land first needs to scram?" Harold snorted. "You want to play this game? I can play this game. But I have to ask, are you even strong enough to play this game against me?" Harold replied with disdain.

Harold waited, but Dick still stood in his way. Without another word of warning, he shot out an attack towards Dick. However, the energy burst he sent out to Dick couldn't even break though Dick's counterattack. His attack failed, and Dick's attack forced him a few steps back.

Harold covered his chest in shock. It was throbbing in pain. He never expected Dick to have such a strong ability. Even though he wanted to kick Dick's ass now, he wanted to beat Qiao Chen up even more. He brushed it off and inwardly thought that there were more opportunities for him to retaliate against a nobody like Dick later. With that thought, Harold didn't want to play around with Dick anymore. He didn't know how long Qiao Chen had been in that cave. He was worried that if he stayed out here any longer, then Qiao Chen and Justin would have gotten the gem already.

"You two. Go open a path for me." Harold commanded the Class D cadets. He planned on having the Class D students deal with Dick, so he could get the opportunity to enter the cave by himself.

The two Class D cadets glanced at each other and didn't follow his command.

"What are you just looking around for? This isn't the school's ranking test where there are rules that you can't attack each other. It's a competition. You can use any means you need. Don't tell me that two Class D cadets are afraid of a measly Class F cadet, are you?" Harold roared. "I'm the leader. You do what you're supposed to do and follow my orders. If you don't then I'll give you something to look at. Now hurry up."

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