End of the World: The Doctor 7.1

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Pleasing Start Over Chpter 79: Arc 7, Part 1


Before Qiao Chen could open his eyes, he felt a sharp pain on his forehead. He reached up and touched his head to find a half dried and bloodied wound on his forehead. Qiao Chen slowly sat up. As he moved, he brushed against the metal parts and knocked them onto the ground. The metal parts clattered against the ground. Qiao Chen looked around at his surroundings. The moonlight filtered in through the upper windows on the top of the wall. It looked like he was in an abandoned factory. The general area was scattered with remnants of old and broken machinery. Scraps and metal parts littered the floor.

Qiao Chen frowned in pain. The injury on his forehead was quite painful. He was also dizzy from the apparent blow to his head. The metal that clattered against the floor didn't help him either. All of this accumulated him unable to recall this life time for now.

Even though Qiao Chen felt dizzy, he didn't relax his guard. There was a strange and chilling feeling about his situation right now. His intuition proved to be true because he suddenly heard some strange noises outside. Qiao Chen stood up using the old machine beside him. Using the nearby machinery as his cover, he slowly and cautiously maneuvered his way to a low hanging window at the corner. Qiao Chen crouched down carefully and looked outside.

Qiao Chen inhaled a sharp breath. The hair all over his body stood up. He quickly popped back and pressed himself against the wall. His heart beat wildly. Half of this reaction was from fear and half was from shock. The gruesome and horrifying looking humanoids made his blood run cold. Qiao Chen didn't waste any more time on waiting for his mind to recover the memories on his own. He activated the system and had it show him the information he needed. The system affirmed his suspicions. He was currently facing the zombie apocalypse.

Once he prepared himself, Qiao Chen crouched down once more to survey the situation outside. He watched as the zombies outside made their way towards the factory. He had to find a safe place to hide before he could find out everything he needed in this lifetime. Qiao Chen silently made his way to the opposite wall. Then he climbed up the rusted iron ladder. Vague pieces of memories flittered through his mind as he reached the top of the ladder. Once he reached the second floor, Qiao Chen had already remembered some things about his reincarnation in this lifetime. He started up the system again and had it scan his body. The system notified him that his healing ability had been activated, so Qiao Chen touched his forehead and healed the wound. When he finished, the gash had disappeared and smooth, healthy skin replaced it.

Qiao Chen silently walked to the electric box and opened it slightly. Qiao Chen looked through the iron railing towards the 1st floor. Several zombies already entered the factory. They circled the area near the spot he had just woken up from and looked around. It was highly likely that they smelled the blood stains he left behind, so they lingered there in search of their next meal.

Qiao Chen's reincarnation in this lifetime was Mu Chen. Mu Chen was born from a family of doctors. This medical family birthed several doctors for several generations of their lineage. Mu Chen's family opened a large private hospital, so that was where most of the family practiced medicine. Mu Chen was also an excellent medical practitioner.

However, the apocalypse suddenly erupted. Most humans on earth mutated into zombies. There were only some people who mutated, but stayed human. This small group of people obtained various abilities. Of this small group of ability users, the healing ability was the rarest.

The rest of the people left did not mutate. They neither turned into zombies nor acquired any special abilities. The previous Mu Chen was thought to be a normal person. However, he actually had a healing ability that just hadn't been activated yet.

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