The Prophecy 8.5

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 96: Arc 8, Part 5


T/N: Happy reading. 


Qiao Chen collected some of his late father's belongings at the van der Woods' estate and brought them back to the prince's palace. His eldest aunt didn't dare to stop him from taking them. Furthermore, they were just some books or small things that his father used before his death. Therefore, what was gathered was taken away.

Qiao Chen returned to the prince's palace, but before he had the time to change his attire, Farley summoned him. Farley wasn't able to leave his bed yet. He wasn't even able to sit up for prolonged periods of time. This was the first time Qiao Chen came to see him after he woke up. Qiao Chen saw that Farley's mental state was recovering quite well and thought that his drugs were a bit weak.

"I've been injured for so long now, but you have yet to visit me. Don't you remember who you are now?" Farley leaned back on his headboard and asked as he watched Qiao Chen come in.

"In order to to prevent Your Highness from getting upset every time you see me, I felt that it was better not to appear before you so you can heal quicker." Qiao Chen replied blankly. He knew that he was summoned here today to be picked on. The prideful look in Mandy's eyes as he stood by the bed just showed how unkind they were.

"Hn. Well you'd quite self aware." Farley said. "The things that you should have been doing were all done by Mandy. You should be grateful for all his hard work and thank him."

"If I recall correctly, Her Royal Majesty the Queen said that Mandy wasn't allowed to leave his cell until the cause of your injury was discovered. He's only been temporarily allow out to take care of you and atone for allowing you to get hurt. Therefore, why should I thank him for doing what he should be doing in the first place?"

Farley had told his Queen mother to let Mandy out and take care of him to atone for his mistakes before because he wanted Mandy to be released as quickly as possible. The Queen allowed the excuse and released Mandy in order to have Farley recover as quickly as possible.

Mandy listened to Qiao Chen's words and looked at Farley with and aggrieved expression. Farley choked up because of Qiao Chen throwing his own words back at him. His face darkened, but returned Mandy's expression with a soothing look.

"Even if Mandy is atoning for his mistakes, does that mean that you don't have to do anything?"

"What does Your Highness request of me?"

"Bring me that bowl of soup." Farley pointed to the servant holding the tray beside him.

Mandy's eyes immediately flashed with excitement. Before Qiao Chen could even walk over to get the soup, Mandy himself took the tray and sent it over to Qiao Chen's hands. The hot soup was still nearly boiling hot. Farley specifically prepared this soup, but it wasn't for drinking. It was for Mandy to vent his anger.

Originally, Qiao Chen was supposed to walk over with the bowl of soup and hand it to Farley. Then, Farley would pour the hot soup all over Qiao Chen. However, Mandy suddenly felt like that wasn't enough to vent his frustrations. He wanted to pour the soup all over Jovin with his own hand. Only then would he be able to feel satisfaction.

Qiao Chen was still thinking about whether or not to spill the soup all over Farley. If he pretended to drop it, then Farley wouldn't get hurt much since he was covered by the thick blanket. However, Mandy decided to look for trouble, so Qiao Chen decided to help him find it. He could use this opportunity to stage a nice play.

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