The Modern Entertainment World 6.5

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 72: Arc 6 Part 5

Author: 橘子

T/W: Portrayal of rape. I'll put a ''''' mark on where you can stop. This is when the movie screening begins. But honestly, if you've gotten this far, then I'm pretty sure you won't mind it? It's tame compared to the last arc.


Qiao Chen didn't return to the small apartment he was in before. He went to his previous house instead. He invested in the stock market after he received the money for the script Xingyu accepted. The first thing he did after was to buy his original house back. It was only put up in the market for a short while, so no one else decided to buy it. He re-turned his home and everything was the same as when he left. Nothing had been moved.

In his life as Shu Qichen, the house was lively. There was his father, three aunties who did the housework, and a chef. There was always someone there, but it was empty now. This large home of his felt quite empty.

Qiao Chen didn't go out much after completing the shoot. He didn't immerse himself in writing out the script everyday either like Du Jingnan wanted him to. There wasn't any use for him to do that because he had the system. He could plot out the rest of the points and the system would be able to fill in the rest. In fact, he'd be able to finish it all by today if he wanted to.

However, this didn't mean that he was idle either. He was busy looking for evidence. He knew everything about Xu Jieming and Liu Yi by now. He knew what they photographed, what their schedules were, and where they were. With the help of the system, he was able to hack into both their mobile phones and computers. Monitoring everything the two did was quite simple, and he was able to find everything he needed.

Qiao Chen saved the evidence of all the ugly acts they committed them. One by one, he'd download the photos or save the text messages. He was planning on waiting until the time was right before he began the process. He would slowly leak and expose the two monsters and show the public who they really were. Qiao Chen finally sifted through all the data and evidence. On this day, he found that the dirty little secret the two had was wonderful. It was so wretchedly wonderful...


The film, Fenghuo Lingyun, finished filming and went through post production. Xingyu released the trailers and movie information on major websites and TV stations. Soon, the news spread that Du Jingnan had played one of the protagonists. This sent all of his fans into a frenzy. All the naysayers who publically claimed that they'd boycott the movie all took back their words. They all said that they had to watch the movie to finally see their idol after his many years of absence for on camera work. They began claiming that they needed to buy tickets to support his return. For the problems they had with Shu Qichen, they decided that they'd block him out or ignore him when he appeared.

Xingyu produced two different promos for the film. Both of them didn't have Shu Qichen in them. As a result, the fans vehemently believed that Xingyu had cut him out entirely or his acting was just too horrible to show in the promos. The movie's premier quickly approached. Movie theaters were filled with Fenghuo Lingyun showings. Fans and audiences also packed the theaters to the brim in anticipation for Du Jingnan's new movies.


The movie began.

Du Jingnan was clad in a black military uniform with gold embroidery. A black cape fluttered in the wind behind him. His hands wore pure white gloves. One hand held a whip and the other the reigns to the chestnut brown horse he rode on top of. There were dozens of soldiers all on horseback as they followed behind him. They were all in formation with their guns holstered.

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