[28] The Perfect Reality

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- Brightmoon - Third Person POV - 

It was a beautiful day in the Kingdom of Brightmoon, a kingdom that was very bright a vibrant with life, just as it's name would suggest. 

On this current day, the royal family was outside in the garden, playing around and generally enjoying the perfect moment. 

The royal family consisted of King Micah, Queen Angella, Princess Glimmer and Princess Y/n, all of which were alive and well. 

But as you may notice, the h/c girl looking nothing like the rest of her family, and that was only because she was not born into the family. Instead, she was adopted. 

Y/n's birth mother used to be a teacher at Mystacor when she was alive, but after little y/n was born, m/n tragically died from a overuse of magic. 

You might be wondering, why doesn't her father take care of her then? Well, he quite simply wasn't ready for it, and decided it would be better for y/n to live with someone who could give her proper care. 

So, King Micah and Queen Angella adopted y/n and she's lived as a part of their family ever since.

"Woo-hoo!" Glimmer yelled in excitement as her and her mother were playing some sort of flying / teleporting game, laughing and having a good time. 

Y/n sat in the castle gardens, reading a book about healing spells and listening to the cheers of her mother and sister. 

"That was awesome. Can we do it one more time?" Glimmer asked, waving her hands around in the air. 

Angella sighed contently and ruffled her daughter's hair, "Oh, that's quite enough for today besides-"

"Did you two go flying without me?" The both of them including looked to see Micah, who had a smile on his face. 

Glimmer and y/n gasped at the same time, "Dad, you're back!" the both of them ran over to where he was, and he sent a small magic disc to the h/c girl, who caught it and made it disappear. 

They both gave him a big hug, which he happily returned, "You're getting good at that," 

"Yep, we've been practicing," Y/n said with a bright smile, before Angella walked over. 

"Yes, they only blew up my flower garden twice. Welcome home love." 

Y/n began to play fully push Glimmer's shoulder, which resulted in an all out pushing war. The loser however was y/n as she fell back into a bush with a snort. 

"You were having so much fun without me, you can't have missed me much." Micah said with a laugh before grabbing the three of them in a big hug.

"Your majesties!" A guard sprinted over to them in a panic, "Your majesties, we caught a girl sneaking into Brightmoon from the Whispering Woods. She was trying to break into the princess' chambers." 

"What? Please escort the princesses safely to their room until we determine the trespasser's intentions." 

The king and queen walked away while Glimmer and Y/n gave each other worried looks, all the while being escorted by the guard to their shared room. 

The two sisters did look back, to see a blonde girl with a red jacket, who when she saw them, gasped and started calling their names. 

Both of their eyes widened, and they didn't speak a word to each other on the way back. 

~ Time Skip ~

Glimmer and y/n teleported to where their friend Bow was, who had seemingly dropped a bunch of scrolls he was holding. He put his glasses back on his face and sat up from where he had fallen.

- 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘳𝘢 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 -Where stories live. Discover now