[8] Plumeria

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We all walked deeper into the woods, glancing around at the dead trees and plants as we entered the town of Plumeria. 

"Wow, My mom didn't say anything about all the plants dying," Glimmer said, staring at the roots of a horrible looking tree. 

"I don't think she knows," Bow looked around. "Wait where's Adora?" to which I shrugged. 

Just then, we heard a noise and turned around to see Adora in her She-ra form, who was carrying a cart with one hand. 

I mumbled a little, "Show off," but I don't think it was heard. 

"Are you going to be She-ra the entire time we're here," Glimmer asked, a worried look on her face. 

"I told Queen Angella I would" too which I sighed, already excited for this day to end, "Besides people like me better as She-ra." 

She laughed and continued, "Besides, could Adora do this!" she then started using the cart as a weight, causing me to roll my eyes and start walking without them. 

"Hmm, yep very useful to our mission," Glimmer stated, the sarcasm clear in her voice. 

"Hey guys, what is that?" Bow pointed to smoke billowing up from a place behind the trees. I turned and glared at no one in particular, knowing that we were probably going to have to fight them. 

"Must be coming from the horde camp." Then just as Adora finished talking a high pitched 'Your here' came from a group of people nearby. 

"Princess Perfuma," Glimmer chimed, "I'm commander Glimmer of-" she reached out to shake her hand, but instead of a handshake, a bouquet of flowers appeared in her hand. Bow suddenly got a purple and pink flower crown and I got two flowery bracelets. 

Perfuma then gasped when she looked at Adora, who was now glowing. literally. 

"Oh my! Everyone come quick, its..Oh its...Its!" She couldn't seem to finish her sentence as she raced over to the blonde, a large group of people following her, "Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-ra to help us save our home!" 

She-ra looked a little nervous, but me and Bow gave her a thumbs up, which I guess helped calm a tiny bit of her nerves. She placed the cart down and stood in front of everyone, still standing on the root of a tree. 

Clearing her throat, she began to speak, "We've heard about the blockade and we've come to help!" Blinking a couple of times, the people just stood there, "We brought food and supplies for you!" 

Perfuma was now crying, and I mumbled a small, "Oh stars," really hoping that this didn't go to Adora's head. 

Wiping away her tears, Perfuma spoke again, "Welcome to Plumeria, She-ra," then the townspeople began to crowd her, and someone even gave her a baby. 

"Uh, Glimmer, what's happening?" Adora seemed so confused and I just glanced nervously at Bow, biting one of my knuckles. 

"Come with me, I'll show you around. Your gonna love it!" She gave the baby too someone and started following Princess Perfuma, as did Bow and Glimmer. I didn't exactly catch up with them, but I stayed close enough to hear there conversation. 

"Our people have lived here in tranquility for thousands of years, were known for our beautiful flowers, our majestic trees, and this is the heart blossom, the center of our kingdom and the source of all my magical powers!" At this point, they had stopped, so It was easier to catch up and stand next to bow, who now had a worried look on his face. 

"At least this tree is fine, what happened to everything else?" Perfuma's eyes cast downward in a frown. 

"Were going through a little rough patch," she stated nervously, "But I'm sure the universe will right itself soon." I was flabbergasted. If they waited for the universe the fix everything, they'll be waiting a lot longer than they think. 

- 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘳𝘢 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 -Where stories live. Discover now