[4] Migraines and Monsters

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"You positive we're going the right way glimmer?" Bow shook, nervousness clear in his voice.

"I know what I'm doing bow! Can you please just trust me this once?" Glimmer was staring at bows tracker pad with a fiery determination in her eyes. I sighed, I knew where this was going. Nowhere good, that's for sure.

(You can imagine the reader wearing whatever you want her to wear)

"You know we always trust you, but I'm starting to get a little freaked out." Bow continued, "I mean, I pretty much grew up in these woods and I've never seen this part of them. I've heard stories about weird stuff out here."

"It's fine, okay? Just let me handle it" then she teleported away, leaving me with bow and the prisoner. 

"Well, she's touchy."

I ignored his comment and focused on the surrounding area, hoping to remember something that would help us get back.

Bow continued trying to talk to the girl, and I was surprised that she started talking to him, even though I wouldn't call their conversation 'pleasant'

"You know she's a princess right? How can you follow her? Princesses are a dangerous threat to everyone on Etheria-"

I had to bite my lip to keep from saying something irrational. After all, I didn't need to lose my cool in front of a Horde Soldier.

As we approached where glimmer was, I heard sniffling and I ran over to see why and found her on the floor crying. But when I got there I noticed the destroyed town and stopped, my hands shaking as I remembered what the horde did to my own home.

I heard the Horde Soldiers voice, "what..happened to this place?"

"Oh don't play dumb," I whipped my head around to face her, "I bet you were a part of the raid on this innocent town!" I pointed a finger accusingly at her then back at the ruins.

"What are you talking about! The horde didn't do this!" She looked genuinely shocked.

Her surprise made me genuinely curious. Was she actually that stupid or just acting the part?

Glimmer and bow started to argue about something, so I just walked away from it, hoping to catch my breath for a moment. The sword was still in my one useful hand and resting on my shoulder.

Under all the stress of the moment, my head exploded in pain, unfortunately making me dizzy enough to drop the sword and put my hand on a nearby tree to stabilize myself.

My vision suddenly got blurry and I looked up to see two glowing orbs. But as I regained focus, I realized that those two 'orbs' were two eyes peering straight into my soul.

Adrenaline began to kick in but I slowly reached for the sword on the ground, hoping that If I move slowly the creature won't see me as a threat. As soon as my fingers curled around the handle, I bolted back to where glimmer and bow were.

"GLIMMER! BOW" I reached them panting and they stopped their conversation and all three looked at me, "BIG...EYES...BEHIND ME"

Almost on cue, the ground began to rumble and a loud roar came from behind me. I rushed over and stood behind the bow, whilst handing glimmer the sword. Lord knows you can't trust me with that in a high-stress situation.

Glimmer started throwing magic sparkles at the large Rolly Polly while Bow fired arrows. Both attempts were unsuccessful in the end.

I would've tried to help, but unfortunately, there were many factors playing against me.

One: The creature was made of tech, meaning Its not organic so I can't use my magic on it (Although I'm not sure I could do that even if it was organic)

Two: I had a broken arm

Three: Adrenaline was the only thing keeping me from passing out right then and there.

There are more reasons, but I didn't have time to think about it as I was suddenly flying through the air, my spine being thrown against the hardwood of a tree. With a groan, I pushed myself up, now feeling pain from inside and outside of my head. 

My vision was a little blurry before, but now I must have been seeing things, cause the blond girl now held the forest sword and yelled "FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!", and in her place stood an 8-foot tall warrior lady.

I stood up as best I could and walked over to bow and glimmer, who was only a step away. "Glimmer, bow.." glimmer cut me off.

"Yeah. I see her y/n"

"Okay, it's good to know that I didn't hit my head that hard," I replied, laughing dryly.

The creature looked at the warrior lady and did a kneeling action as we all stared in awe. Unfortunately, the woman suddenly screamed, causing her to turn back into the horde girl again.

"Stay where you are!" Glimmer yelled, getting closer to her.

"What did you do to me?!" Her voice got higher in disbelief.

"What do you mean what did 'I' do to you?!" Glimmer retorted as she grabbed at the sword, trying to pull it away from her.

"I DIDNT KNOW BEING A PRINCESS WAS CONTAGIOUS" the girl was in such disarray but she held the sword tight to keep glimmer from grabbing it.

"OKAY OKAY, EVERYONE. LET'S JUST CALM DOWN" Bows voice cracked as he yelled, trying to get the two fighting girls to stop, then he turned to the blonde one, "wanna tell us how you did that?"

"I didn't do anything! All I did was pick up the sword and WOOSH! I'M IN A TIARA."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, all the yelling was giving me a bad headache, and passing out was not my ideal idea of fun today.

"I don't care how she did it, we just have to make sure she never does it again!" Glimmer yanked the sword out of the girl's hands and suddenly the Rolly Polly activated again, only this time it was more enraged. Fuck.

It charged straight for glimmer, but she teleported out of the way, leading the stupid thing to come barreling towards me. I jumped out of the way just in time, and it hit a tree, making it pause its attack for a moment.

"Do it again! do it again!" Bow was practically shrieking as he started shoving the sword into the blonde's hands.

Glimmer called his name but he continued to plead. "Do what you did before!"

"I don't know what I did before!" The blonde answered, also shrieking.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, and I searched around until I found a shiny stone sitting next to the tree. I gripped it in my hand and held it above my head, gaining a sudden boost of confidence.

"HEY PEA BRAIN!" The monster looked over at me and once I had gained its full attention I threw the rock somewhere, causing it to follow said Rock.

I rushed over to the mini 'cliff' and slid down, meeting them at the entrance to some sort of temple, before the blonde girl said some magic word and the door opened and we all entered.


Thanks for reading!
(constructive criticism is highly appreciated!)

- Stats - 

Word Count: 1226

Edited: 5/29/21

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