[6] Trust (+Nosebleeds)

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TW: Blood (Its a nosebleed, don't worry) 

We all collected ourselves and started following Glimmer to the village, even though I was a bit shaken up from using my power for the first time in years. My hands were securely wrapped around my waist (Or at least as much as they could be with a broken arm) and my walking pace was slower than usual. 

"Your name is y/n, right?" A voice suddenly asked and turned to face Adora, "Your nose is- uh" I felt under my nose and felt a warm liquid. Bringing my hand so I could see it, there was red sticky blood on it. 

"Damn it," I whispered under my breath as I let my hand rest by my side, hoping that the village would have some tissues or something. 

Adora looked at me again and started speaking, "So, are you a princess..? I mean I saw you use magic back there but I've never seen someone who wasn't a princess use magic." 

I sighed and looked at the ground, "I was a princess. See, when I was seven my kingdom was attacked by the horde. I'm the only one who made it out alive." I thought for a moment, "Well, there was a guard that made it out as well, but god knows where they went."

"Which Kingdom-" "Elesphia" I interrupted her question, already knowing  what she was going to ask, "It was one of the first kingdoms to fall because of the horde," 

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up once again, "The horde always taught us that Elesphia was full of mind controlling monsters- No offence- and that Etheria was better off without them." 

I laughed out suddenly, causing her to give me a very confused and almost worried look. When I stopped a bit, I was able to form words again. "It was full of mind controlling monsters, perhaps it did deserve to be eliminated but my mother wasn't that way. She always taught me that I didn't have to use my powers to get what I wanted and that I should earn everything with my own hard work, like she did."

Pausing for a sec to take a breath, I continued, "she was killed that night that the horde attacked. A lot of people were."

There was another akward pause, until blondie decided to cut through the silence. 

"I'm sorry, for what the Horde did to you. I feel like i'm just now realizing who's really the villian in this story..." 

Looking over, I placed my good hand on her shoulder. "Its alright. It wasn't you who killed my mom. Thanks for letting me tell you that. I haven't really talked to anyone about it in a long time." To be frank, I wasn't sure why I told her that. But I guess it didn't matter now, cause my trust had already been placed onto her. 

I removed my hand from her shoulder and we continued walking a little farther until we were on the outskirts of the village. From the looks of it, the village was having some sort of festival / party. 

Glimmer pulled Adora to the side, "Okay, the jacket comes off." Adora asked why, "Because if the villagers see a horde soldier, they'll freak out. So we gotta fix...all this." Glimmer signaled to all of Adora. 

Adora took off her jacket and belt thing and handed it glimmer, who yeeted it into a nearby bush, and gave the blonde her cape to cover the horde symbols her her shirt. 

The blonde glared at no one in particular, "I feel ridiculous," 

"That's because you need something to tie it all together," Bow explained, and I started looking around for anything. He grabbed a flower and put it in her hair, and I took off one of my bracelets and slid it around her wrist. 

Adora stared at the flower and bracelet in an expression that could only be disgust, "I don't like it," her voice cracked and I kept in a laugh. 

"The point is, you don't look like a horde soldier anymore! Just try and keep a low profile. We'll be in and out." Glimmer started walking into the village and the others and I followed right behind her.

- 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘳𝘢 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 -Where stories live. Discover now