[31] Flutterina

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Over the next few days, the rebellion had actually managed to get quite a few things done. 

The major one being recovering Mara's ship from the crimson waste. 

The second one being saving a town from horde control, but that only happened a few moments ago. 

Currently, Me Bow and Adora were on the phone with Glimmer, who was in the Brightmoon palace. 

"-That's when Adora turned her sword into a giant spear, skewered a bot, and then used the bot to hit more bots!" Bow exclaimed into the device.

"And then, Bow used his oil slick arrow to slip them up, and then, right off a cliff! Bam!" 

Then Bow grabbed onto my shoulders, "But you can't forget that Y/n got the villagers to safety while fending off 3 bots on her own!" 

"And I kicked them!" Swiftwind entered the conversation suddenly. 

Glimmer pounded a fist into the air, "Yes! Get 'em!" 

"But we were totally surrounded. And then..." Adora was cut off by Bow, who put his newest piece of tech in front of the camera. 

"My new surge device worked perfectly. Took out the rest of the bots in one go!" 

"And I kicked them!" 

The queen smiled, "Amazing! Those bots didn't stand a chance against the Best Friend Squad!" her face became bored, "I really wish I could've been there. At least you'll be back soon, right?" 

Ignoring her last question, I placed myself in front of the question, "No, you don't wish you were here. Afterwards, I had like 10 children using me as a jungle gym." I irked. 

Adora and Bow looked at each other before Bow spoke u, "Uh...And we'll be back soon. Yeah. There's just one more thing we have to take care of." 

"Just some really boring wrap-up stuff." Adora finished for him. 

"The townspeople love us because we saved Elberon." If looks could kill, the talking horde would be on fire right now, "So they're throwing us a celebratory dinner!" 

"Heh. A dinner? That sounds fun." 

"Oh- oH it's really not a big deal." Adora reasoned. 

Bow spoke next, "Yeah, I bet they do this for everyone." 

"You guys, of course they wanna thank you. You freed a whole town from Horde control. I just..."

The both of them looked at me and I smiled, "Well, If you need us, we can just skip out on this dinner thing. If anything, they can stay here and I can go home, its really not a big-" 

"No way. Go enjoy your victory!" 

Swiftwind piped in, "Great! Because I am famished. Are we going now?" 

We continued walking to the hall, and for some reason, we were still on the comm will Glimmer. 

Bow shook his head, "You really aren't missing anything. You know, we'll drop by to be polite and then head home." 

"Yep. I'm sure it'll be super boring-" we opened the door to the dining hall and were shocked to see confetti and music and- people. 

My eyes widened and refrained from pinching my brow, fearing it would be impolite. 

"What is it? What's going on?" Glimmer said from over the comm, but I was still in such a state of shock that I didn't respond. 

"Nothing. Super boring." 

- 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘳𝘢 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 -Where stories live. Discover now