[59] What We've Waited For (BIRTHDAY BONUS)

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In honor of today being Imaginations 2nd birthday, I'm giving you all what you wanted,  Meissa and Y/n being happy and together :)

This also does not follow the timeline of the sequel, and picks up where Imagination ended.

There have been many people who have questioned the meaning of life, and what happens after. Some people believe that you go to a magical paradise, some believe that you simply stop existing. 

But for Meissa, she didn't care what death looked like as long as she got to see the one person who was taken from her life too soon. 

So after many long and brutal years of surviving, for Y/n's sake, Meissa had been on a mission when a group of Horde-Followers (even though the Horde was long since dead) attacked their ship. And after 10 hours of writhing on a hospital bed, Meissa passed away. 

The next time she woke up, it was not to the humming of a space ship, or of Catra and Adora's kid reading havoc across Brightmoon. No. It was to sunlight. Sunlight and waves upon waves of blue and green grass. 

'Is this what the afterlife looks like?' She thought, knowing the answer in her heart. She was quite surprised, as she'd been told so many different stories about the afterlife that she didn't know what to expect. 

Suddenly from behind her a voice rang out, a voice that had bounced in her head for so long that it almost began to sound like a different person. 

"Meissa?" The blue haired girl spun around quickly, almost getting whiplash. But she could deal with the dizziness.

"...Y/n?" the name sounded almost foreign on her tongue. The princesses hadn't spoke much of the H/c girl since her death, and even 20 years after it still felt like salt in a wound.

But now, here she stood. Y/n, still looking as young and beautiful as the day she died. She wore something that resembled a Kimono from Earth (Meissa had only been there for a short period of time, but she had gathered as much as she could on their culture) and she seemed to glow in the light. 

Meissa was almost afraid to take a step towards her, but the moment she did she couldn't stop, running at full speed until she tackled Y/n in a hug that had been too many years overdue. The two girls spun around, laughing as tears streamed down their faces. 

"Meissa I can't believe-- How did you?-" Y/n was suddenly pulled into a kiss, cutting of her statement. They released after a few minutes and fell back into laughter. 

Then, like she forgot something Y/n jumped up, "Wait! Did you guys defeat the Horde? I'm assuming--" 

The blue haired girl laughed, "Yes. Yes we did. A-and we also freed a bunch of their colonies too. We visited so many different worlds, and there's one thats called "Eu-ruth" and it has so many different lands that its almost like going to different planets entirely!" she continued on her rant, and Y/n watched, a smile on her face. After so many years the thing she yearned for had returned to her, and she couldn't be happier. 

"Oh man, and then there was the time that I tried to bring you back to life--" 

"You what??!" 

"...Yeah that wasn't my best moment, but look," Meissa showed Y/n her hand, the hand that wore a surprisingly well looking promise ring.

"Is...is that?" 

Meissa nodded, "I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. So, you know that means were still engaged right?"

Y/n paled, "Oh my god your right!" she grabbed Melissa's hand and begin pulling her in a certain direction, towards a group of buildings. 

"Where are we going?" Meissa questioned, but showed no signs of concern on her face. 

Suddenly the girl spun around and gripped onto both of her hands, "We still need to get married silly! Thankfully I know someone who will do just the trick," she winked and continued leading her through the city. 

Eventually they reached a tall building that looked like a church, and Y/n lead Meissa through the huge doors and into the expanse of the beautiful building, "She likes to spend her time here. I don't think she was ever 'religious' in the sense, but I think it reminds her of home." 

They made their way down the isles and a figure with pink hair and giant wings came into view, and Meissa knew it was instantly. 

"Angella?" Y/n got the attention of the former queen, causing her to turn around. Angella smiled at the two girls, and Meissa noticed that she seemed to look a bit younger, or at least she looked like she had 0 stress. 

"Y/n, is this?" 

Y/n nodded, "This is Meissa, my fiancé. I found her in the fields this morning...." 

Angella smiled sadly, "While I am sad to hear that you have passed, I am glad that you are here. Was there something you two needed?" 

The two younger girls looked at each before looking back at the former queen. Y/n was the one to speak, gripping onto Meissa's hand a little tighter, "We... we're hoping that you would marry us. We've been engaged for like, way too long." 

The older woman thought for a moment, "Well, it's been a long time since I've married someone, but I can do that. Would you like to do it now or--?" 

"Tonight. That'll give us time to get ready. Can you invite them?" Y/n looked to Angella, who simply nodded, "Perfect," and once again Meissa was dragged out of the church and back into the outside air. 

They spent the rest of the day fiddling around, laughing, talking and having a grand old time as they decided what they were going to where and how they were going to decorate. The good thing about being in the afterlife was that you didn't have to worry about money, or anything like that. Just a snap of your fingers and you were wearing the most beautiful ballgown imaginable. 

So when the time came for the wedding, instead of one girl walking down the aisle while the other stayed at the alter, both girls burst through the church doors. Each one of them was holding a bouquet and the smiles on their faces were enough to light up the entire room in joy. 

Y/n had chosen to wear a white pansuit with a rose tucked into her pocket. And Meissa decided to wear a ballgown style dress with long see-through sleeves. It was perfect for the two of them. 

As they walked down the aisle, there were a couple faces in the crowd that were so familiar they could miss. Shadow weaver- er- Light spinner?, Y/ns mother and father (who looked so delighted that their daughter was getting married), King Micah (Micah had passed only a couple of years ago), as well as some other people who Meissa knew were dead.

Finally getting to the Alter, which was decorated with white flowers, the two of them held hands as Angella spoke her speech. And after a couple drawn out minutes, Angella got to the interesting part. 

"Do you, Meissa take Y/n to be your wife?" 

"I do." 

"And do you Y/n, take Meissa to be yours?" 

"I do." 

"Then to finalize this marriage, you may kiss the bride." 

The two of them latched onto each other as the crowd behind them cheered. They stayed in each others hold for a while before pulling away, starstruck. While this wasn't exactly how they imagined this day, they had waited to long for it to be anything other than perfect. 

The world had kept them waiting for far too long, but now, the world could tell that they were love, and love was a thing far too powerful for even it to keep apart.

After all, love is what saved everyone in the end, isn't it?


May have started crying lol

I miss them so much <3

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