Chapter 20 - Shit

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"Uh man, looks like I didn't bring it with me. I forgot."

"Tf you mean you forgot!!!?!!!? I need that shit by tonight or it's my head"

"I know nigga, damn. After school stop by my place so you can get it, Ight? "

"Whatever man, know that if one go down, you coming down with me."


" Come on Safaree I'm serious, what are we gonna do about this?"

" Nic I was serious. Why don't we just smoke his shit and when he gets home whoop his ass."

" That's not good parenting Safaree and you know it. "

"That's how we were raised. When were younger and got caught doing something we suppose to, we got our asses beat. "

"Yea but I don't think that's gonna work, I mean, he'll be 15 in a few months. An ass whopping won't work."

"It worked for me. You don't see me stealing from convenience stores anymore." Sb exclaimed jumping from his chair.

"Safaree....... you stole a pack of skittles from 7eleven yesterday."

"Ion care what you say, ass whoppens work. "

"No they don't, look when he gets home we'll seat him down and talk to him an-"

"and then he'll get an ass whopping, great." Safaree said while turning on the football game.


"Alright now class, today we're going to start on a project. I will pick your partners and this will be worth 25% of your grade." Ms. Manasco rambled on and on about this project that no one seemed to be paying attention to. I could'nt seem to keep my eyes off the new girl sitting on the back on the class. She had been her for about a week now and hasn't said a thing.

Kelly. Kelly was her name, stood at about about 5'0, Brown-skinned with long hair tied up in a messy bun. She wore baggy clothes and glasses everyday to school, but I still find her a wonder you look at.

"....Did I get everyo- oh,  Kyle I forgot to give you a partner." Ms. Manasco glanced down her roll book to see who didn't have a partner yet. "Okay Kyle, you'll be working with Ms.Taylor. Now does everyone know what their doing?"

"Uh, who is Ms.Taylor? I asked

"She's that geek in the back." Justin, the jock,called out making the class erupt with laughter. Justin made his way over to me trying to dap me up. I looked over at Kelly's to see tears streaming down her face. We made eye contact for a split second before she ran out the class.

"Kelly!!!" I yelled, making my towards the door. But someone yanked me back. I turned to see Justin and his cliche.

"Kyle, you really finna go after that hoe?"

I looked them with disgust took a couple steps back. "she's not a hoe. " I yelled while running after her.



"Are you sure your parents aren't home?"

"Chill Veronica , I'm postive. My moms went to the studio and my dad gon be out for some hours. Now stop trippin."

"Are you sure you wanna do this, you don't seem like that type."

"What type?? "

"The type to go through with this. "

" What's that suppose to mean? You calling me a pussy?!!"

"N-nothing let's just get this over with."

At the sound of those words I knew it was real. Part of me was scared shit-less but I knew i had to do this. My hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty. It wasn't until I turned around and seen her naked. 

shit shit shit


"Nigga be quite, damn,  my moms home."

"W-wait you said she was gonna be at the studio."

"She is. She got a studio built in the basement. Let's just make this quick." He followed me upstairs in my room as I searched frantically for my TRU RELIGION jeans.

"Where the fuck is my shit man?"

"It's in here nigga, there in my other pants"

"Yo what if-" he began to say.

"My mom never comes in here. I know for a fact the she doesn-"

"Have the weed." we whipped our heads around to see Nicki standing right there with the weed in her hands. She didn't look to thrilled to see us.


Nicki marched in my room and grabbed Stephon and his friend by their collars and dragged them towards the top of the stairs.

"FAMILY MEETING!!!!!!" Nicki yelled in her NY accent. She walked down the hallway opening each door telling everyone to meet her down stairs. She made her way to Tadre's room and yanked his door open.


A naked Veronica and a half dressed Tadre jumped back under the covers in attempt to hide from Nicki.

Shit shit shit

The Beginning of Something NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora