Chapter 8

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Kitiara's POV

I was finishing up my homework, I looked at the clock and saw that three hours had passed. I put down my pencil and stretched my arms, I then rolled away from my desk and towards the window. The sun was slowly setting, looking at the view, it reminded me of my parents. We would go to the park, lay on the grass and enjoy the sunset. I looked down and sighed, even though they died years ago..... it still hurts.

A text alert interrupted my thoughts, I rolled over to my desk and looked at my phone. It was a text message from my Uncle.

Tio Luis: Think you can get dinner kiddo?

Me: Sure, anything specific?

Tio Luis: In the mood for some Shrimp Scampi.

Me: Alright, I'll head out now.

Tio Luis: Thanks, be cautious.

Me: Si Señor.

I locked my phone and started to pack up my things. I turned off the lights and locked the doors. I looked down the hall towards Tadashi's lab. "(Should I say goodnight to him?)", I thought. I shook my head, "(Nah, I don't wanna bother him)". I turned away and headed out of the building. I pulled out my phone and started ordering at an Italian place near where I lived. After placing my order I put my phone away and reached in my bag to pull out my penny board, only to find out that I left it under my desk at the lab. I sighed in frustration, I looked behind me and saw that I was already far from campus. "I'll just pick it up tomorrow", I mumbled and continued walking.

Walking through town I noticed that some of the cable cars were still active. I slightly grinned and decided to get on one, since the Italian place is still a little ways away. I waited for it to past me a little and just as I was about to jump on, someone had grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me back into an alleyway.

I regained my balance and turned around, only to let out an annoyed groan. "Well, Well, well, if it isn't Lavender Valley '', they said calling me by my bot fighting name. Yeah I used to bot fight at the age of thirteen, but later on stopped since I knew what I was doing was pretty much illegal. "Ah Yamas henchmen, so good to see you again", I said with sarcasm and a fake smile. "Haven't seen you in awhile", said one of the guys. "Yeah well, let's just say bot fighting got boring, so I just quit all together", I said while examining my nails.

When I looked up at them, they had their fist in their hands and started cracking their knuckles. I rolled my eyes "Alright, this has been a nice little reunion, but I gotta get home, so if you don't mind stepping to the side", I said walking towards the gap between the two. As I got closer the two closed the gap preventing me from passing. I stepped back and looked up at them, "I don't think so, I think Yama would like to have a chat with you", said the other guy. I sighed, (This was starting to get really irritating). "Listen you two, just let me through or things are gonna get ugly", I said, glaring at them. They started to laugh, I closed my eyes and blew air through my nose, at that moment an idea popped in my head."Listen, I'm not repeating myself
again move or-", I was saying, but I then looked past them and gasped "Yama?", I said.

As soon as I said that name they both turned their heads, in a quick motion I jumped on top of a trash bin, then jumped on one of the guys shoulder and landed softly on the ground. I quickly stood up and made my way out of the alleyway, I made a right and continued down the street. I heard the guys yelling after me, but I didn't pay attention to what they were saying. As I'm running I start pulling things from the side and throwing them back in hopes of slowing them down. It wasn't working, so I had to use another idea, that's when I remembered my invention I made the other day. (Well in reality I made it years ago, so call it an upgrade).

I quickly reached into my bag and searched for it "Ah hah!", I said and pulled it out. I slowly came to a halt and turned around, I quickly looked around for a good target. My eyes landed on a bag of oranges that was hanging in front of a small food store. In a quick motion I opened my hand fan that gave a lavender glow and waited for the right moment. I squinted my eyes waiting........ "(Now!)". I threw my fan towards the bagged oranges, it cut threw the rope, causing them to fall on the ground. The guys weren't quick enough to react to the fallen oranges, so as soon as they approached them, they lost their balance and fell down. I slightly chuckled and focused on the fan. It was making its way towards me, I jumped up and caught it. I folded it up and quickly put it back in my bag.

"Kitiara!", I turned towards the voice and saw a guy on a moped approaching me, my eyes widened to see who it was.

Tadashi's POV

I drove up next to Kitiara. "Tadashi?", she said full of shock, her eyebrows furrowed "What are you doing here? Wait, were you following me? ", she asked. I was about to say something, but the guys that were chasing her were getting up. "I'll explain later, hop on!", I said while tossing her a helmet. She was about to say something, but was cut off by the guys shouting. She looked back at me and gave me a small nod with a determined look, she put on the helmet and got on sideways, I revved the engine "Hang on!" I shouted. Kitiara grabbed onto my shoulders, and with that I sped off.

As I was driving, Kitiara spoke up "Uh Tadashi, their right on our tail". I quickly looked behind me and saw the guys on their own mopeds. I looked forward looking on which way to go, Kitiara then pointed to a street "Turn right here!". I made a sharp right,"Left here", she said. I made another sharp turn "Do you see that Italian restaurant down the street?", she asked. "Yeah", I said "Go into the alleyway next to it",she said. I followed her instructions and quickly drove into the alleyway, I stopped my moped and Kitiara hopped off. We turned around and saw the guys past our hiding spot, we peaked out and saw them drive further away. "Coast is clear", she said.

We walked out and I positioned my moped in front of the restaurant. Kitiara took off the helmet and handed it to me. "Thanks.... for uh, the rescue back their", she said with a tight smile." Yeah no problem, but Kitiara, why were those guys chasing you?", I asked with concern. She looked away with her head slightly lowered, while also rubbing her arm. Her expression was a mixture of sadness and guilt. She sighed" Listen Tadashi, things that I did in the past weren't my wisest decisions. I think it's best that some things are left unsaid", she said looking up at me with the same expression. I looked in her eyes, and I could see that there was pain and hurt, but most of all..... loneliness. I gave her a sad smile "I understand, but if you ever need someone to talk to.... I'll be here to listen", I told her. She slightly grinned "Thanks Tadashi, I'll think about that offer", she said.

I gave her a small nod and pointed at the building behind her. "Is this where you live?", I asked. She looked behind her and let out a small laugh "No, I actually live down the street more . My Uncle wanted dinner, so I ordered something here", she said. "Oh, thats nice. Do want me to give you a ride to your place?", I asked. She shook her head "No, it's fine. I don't mind walking and it's pretty late, you should head home"."No really, I don't mind at all, and also I want to make sure you get home safely. Especially after what happened tonight", I said. She closed her eyes and shook her head with a small smile. "Tadashi I'll be fine". "No, no. I insist", I said with a smile.

She signed "Your not going to let this go are you", she said while raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, she laughed a bit "Okay fine. Let me go pick up my order and you can "escort" me home ". I laughed when she said that last part. After Kitiara came out with her order, she hopped on my moped and we drove towards her place.

*Ten Minutes Later *

We reached Kitiara's apartment, she hopped off and handed me back the helmet. "Thanks Tadashi, for what you did and for the ride", she said smiling softly. "It was no problem Kitiara ", I said grinning.
"Oh, here something for your family", she handed me a small brown bag. I was about to open it, but Kitiara stopped me. "No peeking. Open it when you guys are together". "Heh, alright. I guess I'll see you later?", I asked. "Hmm, maybe", she said with a small smile. I chuckled "Goodnight Kitiara'', I said. "Goodnight Tadashi, and be careful. Shoot me a text when you get home", she said." Heh, I could, but I don't think I have your number", I said." Oh right, here give me your phone", I reached into my bag and handed her my phone. She typed for a bit and handed it back to me. "There, now you do", she said smiling softly. I grinned, we waved goodbye to each other and parted ways.

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