Chapter 14

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Kitiara's POV

Tadashi and I made it to his place, we got off his moped and proceeded to enter his house. He opened the door for me, I thanked him and walked in. As soon as he walked in, Aunt Cass called from upstairs," Tadashi? Is that you?", he smiled and walked upstairs, "Yeah it's me Aunt Cass''." Oh wonderful! Were you able to get the cilantro and lemons?" she asked. " Yeah, I got it right here. I also brought company", he said while he looked at me coming up the stairs. "Evening", I said a bit shyly while giving her a small wave. " Oh Kitiara! I'm so glad you're able to join us for dinner!". I slightly smiled " I hope I'm not intruding". " Oh nonsense, we're glad to have you!".

I gave her a small nod and smile. I walked with her to the kitchen to see if she needed any help. I helped her cut up the cilantro, as well as some tomatoes and the lemons." You didn't have to do that dear". "I don't mind at all, really", I said with a small smile. I placed the ingredients in their own bowls and brought them over to the table that Tadashi had already set up. " Do you like cooking Kitiara?", she asked me. "Oh heh yeah. My uncle and I like to cook all sorts of foods, mostly tacos' ', I said with a slight chuckle. She nodded at me with a wide smile and looked towards Tadashi. " Tadashi, why don't you introduce Kitiara to Hiro?". He nodded his head and called his brother to come downstairs. I heard a voice call out " Be down in a minute!".

I chuckled lightly " You know you haven't told me much about your brother. What's he like?". Tadashi chuckled, " He's very smart, that's for sure. He's 13 and going to graduate high school really soon". "Wow, that's incredible. I actually graduated when I was 13".'' Wow, you must've been at the top of your class.", said Tadashi. I slightly shrugged "I suppose, I will say though it wasn't always easy", I said a bit sadly, remembering all the hardships I went through. Tadashi was about to say something when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Sorry for making you wait, I needed to finish-", He stopped mid-sentence when he saw me, and boy was I shocked to see him.

I was speechless for a moment."Hiro?!"I said, speed walking towards the stairs. "Kitiara?!", he yelled out while jumping down the stairs. When we reached each other, we started doing our handshake. As we finished we faced Tadashi and Aunt Cass, who looked really surprised and confused. " You guys know each other?", asked Aunt Cass. I slightly smiled while chuckling lightly "Uh, yeah actually. We met when I was in high school". "That's great!", exclaimed Aunt Cass, she came over and hugged us both. "You need to tell me all about it!", I chuckled a bit. I looked over at Tadashi who was smiling and slightly shaking his head. "Why don't we talk about it over dinner? Before the food gets cold", he said. We all nodded and sat at the dining table.

"So tell me! How did you guys meet in school?", asked Aunt Cass. I looked towards Hiro to see if it was alright to tell them, and I saw he nodded his head that it was fine. "Well, this one particular day I was heading towards the courtyard to read, since I didn't like being around loud people. As I was, I noticed that there were three kids surrounding another kid. At first I was going to walk past them, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation, and also I felt bad for the kid. As I was, I realized that they were bullying him, tossing his things around and making fun of him. That's when I had it and walked up to them". The two looked at Hiro and nodded his head in confirmation. "What did you do", asked Tadashi. I looked towards him, and saw that his brows were slightly furrowed. " I told them to back off and to leave him alone, then their attention turned to me. And as predicted one of the guys started flirting with me, saying all kinds of stuff. He then decided to wrap his arms around my waist to bring me closer towards him.......but that was his big mistake." I said with a smirk. Hiro started to chuckle, remembering what I did to the guy. "Heh, you should've seen it, Kitiara has some serious moves. She literally twisted the guy's arm and pushed him into a wall, face first''. They all looked at me, while Aunt Cass and Tadashi looked at me with shocked expressions.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt him too bad. Just a very bruised and sore arm. Anyways I hate doing that to people, but if they leave me no choice, well... know", I said while I took a sip of my water. "The guy got the message, and so did his friends. They all ran off and I helped Hiro pick up his stuff and asked if he was okay. And well we started talking and ended up being the best of friends", I said with a small smile. "Yeah! It was great, and the best part was that the guys finally laid off and never bothered me again, and I made a great friend", Tadashi and Aunt Cass smiled at Hiro and then at me. " That's great you guys. Thanks for being there for Hiro Kitiara, you have a very kind and caring heart. Just like your mother." I gave her a tight smile while slightly nodding and thanked her for her kind words.

" Well, that was an amazing meal! I hope you guys liked it?", Aunt Cass asked. We all nodded in agreement. I helped her clean up the table, and washed some of the dishes. While Aunt Cass insisted on washing the rest. " What's for dessert?", asked Hiro. " I'll show you guys", said Tadashi. He went over to the fridge and took out the small box that he brought earlier and set it on the counter. " The lady at the store recommended it to me", he said and opened the box. We all gasped, it was a Tres Leches cake, it really brought back some memories. "What is it?', asked Hiro, Tadashi wasn't sure and neither was Aunt Cass. "It's a Tres Leches cake, my mother and I would make it every once and awhile", I said. I pulled the cake out of the box and gently placed it on the counter. "So? Who wants a piece?", I asked as I grabbed a knife, fork and plates. Everyone raised their hands, I chuckled and began cutting the cake. "I'm gonna take this to my room. I still have some homework I kinda wanna finish. It was good to see you, Kitiara. Hope we can hangout soon", said Hiro as I gave him a smile "Of course. I definitely look forward to it, nerd", as I ruffled his hair. He swatted my hand away and laughed and proceeded to go upstairs.

"Are you gonna have any Kitiara?", Tadashi asked as he handed me a plate. I was hesitant at first, but accepted the piece. "You two go ahead and sit in the living room, I'm gonna clean up here", said Aunt Cass. We nodded and went to sit on the couch. We were in comfortable silence until Tadashi asked me a question "So you and your mom love to bake huh". I grinned a bit "oh yeah, my mother and I would make all types of pastries. From sugary to super chocolatey. My mother had a big sweet tooth, my father not so much, but he still ate our creations' ', I said with a small laugh. "But their most favorite was Tres Leches". "Why don't you take the rest home with you then, I'm sure your parents would love it", said Tadashi. I stopped eating, while at the same time Aunt Cass dropped a plate on the floor, thankfully it didn't break. "Um....Tadashi sweetie. I'm not sure that's-", I cut Aunt Cass off " it's okay, really", I said sadly. I looked at Tadashi and saw that he was confused and concerned. "You see Tadashi, my parents passed away when I was seven years old. I'm currently living with my uncle." Tadashi was completely shocked, as well as embarrassed and upset "I'm so sorry Kitiara, I-I didn't know." "It's okay, it happened a long time ago, I made my peace with it, but there are times where I miss them very much". Aunt Cass and Tadashi looked at me sadly.

I took a deep breath and let it out "Anyway, I.....should probably head home, before it gets-", I was interrupted by a huge crash of thunder, as well as lighting, "late", finishing my sentence.


Hello my readers!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to edit some of my chapters, after re-reading some of them, I'm not really satisfied and there are some errors that are bothering me. Also I'll try to post the next chapter on Friday :)

As always thanks again for reading! 

As always thanks again for reading! 

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Kitiara ^

Art by @eliphantart on Instagram.

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