Chapter 30

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A couple days later after Tadashi had last talked to Kitiara. She was still avoiding them. She kept busy with her school work, as well as her training with her uncle. Her Uncle was getting very worried about her, he noticed that Kitiara was pushing herself too much, and was concerned that she would hurt herself. He knew why she was doing all this, he just wishes that she wouldn't overwork herself to ignore what she's feeling. Not knowing what to do he headed out to go talk to a friend.

Some time later he arrived and knocked on their door. The door opened revealing Cass. "Hey Cass, you busy?" he asked her. "Not at all, please come in Luis." He thanked her and walked in, Cass led him to the kitchen. "How've you been?" she asked him. He sat at one of the stools and laced his fingers together on the counter. "It's been alright you could say." he said quietly. "Is something wrong Luis, it looks like something's bothering you." she asked him. Luis took in a deep breath and pushed his hair back, "I'm worried about Kitiara Cass. She's been working non stop these last couple of weeks, and I'm concerned she's gonna burn out and hurt herself." he said, not looking up from his hands. "Oh no. Well has something happened to her recently that might be making her act like this. Have you talked to her?". Luis shook his head, "Cass you know I was never good with "heart-to-heart" talks. Something did happen to her, years ago." he said looking at Cass. She didn't understand it at first, until she did.

Her eyes widened in realization, "Oh my gosh, oh poor thing. She must be going through a hard time right now." she said, placing her hand on her heart. "Yeah, but that isn't all. Cass, I think you should know something." he said to her, Cass looked at him confused. "Kitiara's parents died on ..... her birthday, and ever since that day she never celebrates it, never even mentions it to anyone. She blames herself for their death, and shuts everyone out." he said while running his hand through his hair and sighs heavily. Cass was so shocked to hear this information, and now hearing it she was more worried than ever. "What happened to them was an accident, she shouldn't blame herself for it. Maybe I can talk to her." she offered, but Luis shook his head, "It's no use, she won't talk to anyone, not even me. She just shuts herself in her room and stays there. She's like this for a whole month." Cass looks down thinking of another way to help Kitiara. What the two didn't know was that Tadashi had heard the whole conversation. His head was tilted down staring at the floor, the brim of his cap covering his eyes. He slowly looked up with a determined look on his face, he walked back down the stairs and out the door.

Back at SFIT, Kitiara was hard at work on her blueprints for her latest project. Dark circles were very visible under her eyes, due to the lack of sleep. Papers were scattered everywhere in her lab, she was currently drawing details on her design, when suddenly her pencil lead broke. "Ugh, really?!" she exclaimed. She looked around her desk for her sharpener, but no matter how many papers she flipped over, she just couldn't seem to find it. In the end she just gave up and tossed her pencil to the side and leaned back on her chair. She ran her hands down her face while sighing. She laid her head back and stared at the ceiling, for who knows how long. She was snapped out of her thoughts when an alarm went off from her phone. Slowly she stood up and walked over to it and picked it up. She stared at the screen with a sorrowful look, she closed her eyes and gripped her phone tighter. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly through her nose, opening her eyes and mumbling to herself, "It's time."

Tadashi had just arrived at the institution, he quickly got off his moped and rushed up the stairs. As he was about to enter the building he caught something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head in time to see Kitiara pulling a hood over her head and sprinting down a pathway. Tadashi was about to call out after her, but decided against it and followed her instead.

Tadashi had a bit of trouble following Kitiara, with her weaving through alleyways, and jumping over obstacles and nearly losing her in the crowd. Right now they were on a cable car, Kitiara in the front and Tadashi a few rows behind her. Tadashi would confront her soon, and ask what she's doing wandering the streets late at night. The cable car came to a stop and Kitiara dismounted and continued walking, and Tadashi close behind. As they were walking, the night weather had changed into a light drizzle. Luckily for Tadashi he was wearing a waterproof jacket, unlike Kitiara who only had her cloak, that failed to keep her dry from the rain. They've been walking along a pathway for some time, when all the sudden Kitiara stopped in her tracks. Tadashi wondered if she felt that she was being followed, but she didn't turn around, instead she looked up, and so did Tadashi. His eyes widened a bit as he read the sign

San Fransokyo Cemetery

He looked down at Kitiara, and noticed she was hesitating to enter. She shook her head and entered the cemetery with slow steps. Walking along the path, Kitiara's hands shook slightly, her heartbeat escalating and her breaths became quicker as she walked closer to her parents' graves.

Approaching her parents grave, she slowly sat on her knees ignoring the mud seeping through her pants. She stared at the grave stone, remembering the good memories she has of them. She closes her eyes and takes a shaky breath in and out. Opening her eyes, she reaches down into her bag and pulls out a small glass jar, and inside contains beautiful purple orchids. Holding it out in front of her, her hands wrapped around the glass tightly, yet gently as not to break the glass. "You probably don't want to see me right now, and I understand that. I ...... just wanted to stop by and say Hi, and give you this." she said with a shake in her voice, while also lifting up the glass jar. She sets the glass jar down between her parents' graves. "Hope you like it. It wasn't easy finding the materials, but I wasn't going to give up so easily. That's what you guys always told me, and I'll always remember that." she said with a sad smile, while a tear slipped down her cheek.

She reached out and tried to touch the two gravestones, but stopped and retracted her hand back, forming it into a fist and lightly pounded the ground. She squeezed her eyes closed and gritted her teeth, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for letting this happen to you, it never would've happened if I hadn't went to that stupid science fair! You would still be here, it's my fault you're gone. I was a spoiled idiotic brat! I--I--."Kitiara wrapped her arms around their gravestones and quietly wept. Tadashi, who was watching the whole thing unfold, made his way over to her side, slowly crouched down and put a hand on her shoulder. This caused Kitiara to look up and see Tadashi giving her a sad look. She looked down at her parents grave for a moment, she then closed her eyes tightly, and buried her face in her hands. Tadashi squeezed her shoulder slightly to try and provide some sort of comfort. In a quick motion Kitiara wrapped her arms around Tadashi's waist holding on to him tightly, tears still streaming down her face. Without hesitation Tadashi hugged her back tightly.

They stayed like that for quite a while, Tadashi was stroking Kitiara's hair in a soothing motion. He looked down at Kitiara, and saw that she looked peaceful. He didn't want to disturb her, but they needed to head back. He gently shook her, "Hey", he said softly. Kitiara fluttered her eyes open, she lifted her head and looked around silently. "We should head back, and get you something dry to wear." Kitara gave a small nod in agreement. They both slowly got up and started walking out of the cemetery. Kitara wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm. Tadashi noticed this and quickly shrugged off his jacket, and placed it on Kitiara's shoulders. She gave him a small thanks and continued walking.

They were both silent for the rest of the way. They boarded off the cable car and continued their way towards Tadashi's place since it was closer. They were a few blocks away from his place, when Kitiara's pace started to slow down and Tadashi noticed this. He looked towards her and saw that she was a little behind. "Hey you okay?" he asked, Kitiara didn't respond and her pace came to a halt. He noticed that she was swaying a bit, he slowly made his way over. As he was, Kitiara stumbled over to a lamp post holding herself up. Tadashi rushed over and helped steady her, "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concern laced in his voice. Kitiara wiped her forehead and pushed off the lamppost, "I'm fine. Let's just go." she said and continued walking. Kitara started to feel lightheaded and her vision was beginning to get blurry, then everything went black.

Tadashi ran over and caught her before she could hit the ground. He leaned her against his knee, getting a clear look of her face, he noticed beads of sweat forming on her forehead. He laid his hand on her forehead, "Kitiara you're burning up!", he exclaimed. Tadashi looked around to see if anyone was around, but the streets were completely empty. He looked back down at his friend's face, thinking about what he should do. Taking in a deep breath, he picked her up bridal style, and apologized under his breath, and as quickly as he could ran towards his place.


Hehehe.......soooooo first off, hope you liked this chapter. Second thank you so much for all you lovely readers, votes and comments, I really appreciate all those, and lastly sorry for the long update. I had ideas on what I wanted to write foe this chapter, but I had trouble putting it together.  I hope you guys like it non the less :)

As always I'll see you lovely readers in the next chapter! 


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