Chapter 3

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Kitiara's POV

*A Few Days Later *

As soon as I received an email saying I was now a transferred student at SFIT, I immediately applied for my classes. I was ecstatic and I couldn't wait to start, and to start working in my very own lab. I start class tomorrow since today is a Sunday.

It was about twelve in the afternoon, and I was in the mood for some type of warm drink . I looked on my phone to see if there were any good cafés near me. There were some really good ones around, but then I saw one that sounded familiar. "The Lucky Cat Café", I mumbled. I remember seeing it when I was on my way to SFIT. It was a little far, but I was curious on how it looked like inside. I looked at the picture of the café on my phone, just something about it seemed familiar, but couldn't put my finger on it. I shook my head and proceeded to get ready. I decided to wear my black yoga pants, with a grey tank top and a flannel that had white and some blue strps and my black converse.

I was going to ask my Uncle to see if he wanted anything, but as usual he wasn't home. I sighed and quickly wrote a note and left it on the counter, in case he came home before me. I locked the door and jogged down the stairs. I walked out the building and placed my penny board on the street, plugged in my earphones, pressed play and off I went.

*Time skip *

I stopped in front of the café, picked up my board and placed it in my bag. When I looked up at the sign, I got that familiar feeling again like I came here before. I shook my head and headed inside. A little bell rang as I walked in, I looked around and thought it was a cute café. It wasn't too big nor too small, and it had a comfy vibe. I walked up to the counter and behind was a lady with her back turned towards me.

She gave me a quick glance and said "I'll be right with you sweetie", she said." No problem, take your time ma'am", I told her with a small smile. As soon as she finished whatever she was doing she started to turn around while wiping her hand with a towel. "Sorry about that, now how can I he-" , she stopped mid sentence when she turned towards me. My smile disappeared and I raised my eyebrows, I stood there a little awkwardly since she was just staring at me. I was about to say something until she said my name.

I looked at her a bit surprised. How did she know my name, "Uh, yes?", I said with a side smile and moving my eyes side to side."Is that really you?", she asked. Now at this point I was really confused "Uh, what do you mean ma'am", I said with a small smile. "I'm sorry", she said with a small chuckle "But I don't know if you remember, but your mother and I were very good friends. And you both would come here often. I understand if you don't remember, you were only five at the time" , she said with a small smile.

I looked down and started thinking, and that's when I remembered. Why this place looked so familiar, I remembered how my mother would bring me here after our walk through the park. I looked up at the lady "Miss Cass?", I asked, she smiled at me while putting her hands together "You remember!". I slightly laughed "Yeah, now I know why this place looked familiar ", I said. "Ohhh, it's good to see you again! You grew up beautifully Hon", she said with a soft smile. I slightly grinned "Thank you" I said. Her smile was then turned into a sad one "I'm really sorry about your parents, that must've been really hard for you", she said.

I smiled sadly while looking down "Yeah, it was, but I'm fine now. My parents would've wanted me to keep going in life and to remain strong, and that's what I'm doing", I said with a small smile. She smiled and nodded her head. "Well since you're here what can I get you? Anything you want on the house", she said. My eyes widen slightly " Oh, no. You don't have to do that Miss Cass. I don't mind paying at all", I said. She waved her hand "No, really I insist", I shook my head "No really, it's okay", I said with a small smile. She then gave me a look. I sighed "Your not gonna let this go are you?", she simply shook her head. I signed once again "Okay, but next time I'm paying", I said with a smirk, she laughed "We'll see, but anyway what can I get for ya?", she asked." I would like a small Chai Tea Latte and one of those chocolate frosted donuts please", I told her. "Sure thing! Just give me a few minutes and I'll call you when it's ready ", I nodded my head and started to look around.

Looking around, not much has changed, it was still the same café from all those years ago. I stared out the window seeing the busy streets of San Fransokyo. As I was staring out the window, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see a guy, who seemed to be around my age struggling to carry a tray full of dirty mugs, some still filled with coffee. I was about to walk over to lend a hand when "Kitiara! Your order is ready", Miss Cass called me. I looked over at her, then back over to the guy. I saw that he wasn't struggling with the tray anymore, so I walked over to Miss Cass.

"Here you go sweetie", she said handing me my order. "Thank you Miss Cass", I said with a small smile. "Please call me Aunt Cass, no need for formalities", she said. I chuckled lightly " Okay Aunt Cass, it was really nice to see you again", I said grinning. "Same here sweetie! I hope to see you more often", she said smiling. I laughed "I think you might, your pastries are irresistable", I said making Cass laugh. I turned to leave, but what I didn't know was the guy from earlier was walking right behind me. We collided, thus causing him to spill coffee on me, and dropping the tray.

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