Chapter 5

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Kitiara's POV

I made it on campus, now I just had to find the administration office, wherever that is. I needed to find it quick and try to make it to class on time. I was looking around, trying to find any signs indicating where the office may be located. Thankfully after five minutes of looking I found the building. I hopped off my board and stuffed it in my bag. I jogged up the stairs and walked inside. As I walked in I signed in despair. The line was..... long, but I still remained hopeful that it'll go fast, I got in line and waited.

*10 Minutes Later *

"Hello, how can I help you", said the lady behind the counter. "Hello, my name is Kitiara Morales, and I was asked to come here to finish some paperwork". "Alright give me one moment to look you up", she said, I nodded and stood there patiently." Ah yes, Morales. It looks like you'll also need to speak to one of the counselors", she said. "Oh alright", I said. The lady turned her chair and grabbed some papers in a cabinet and handed it to me "Go ahead and fill those out, and we'll call you when one of the counselors are available". I nodded thanking her, I then took a seat and filled out the papers.

*Some Time Later *

I was reading a book after finishing the papers, I don't know exactly how long I've been waiting. I looked at my phone and sighed, class starts in five minutes, I put my phone and book away and continued to wait. "Miss Morales", I looked up to see a lady calling my name, I stood up a walked over to her." Please follow me", she said and led me to her office. "Please have a seat", she gestured to a chair in front of her desk, I sat down as she closed the door and sat at her desk. "Apologies for the long wait Miss Morales, many new students applied this semester and some problems arose, but enough about that, let us get down to business", she said with a small smile. I returned a smile "It's quite alright, it's always busy, especially when a new semester starts. Oh, I also have these", I said holding up the papers.

"Oh, I'll go ahead and take those", she said. I handed her the papers "Thank you", she said. I gave her a small grin "So, I was wondering, what did you want to talk to me about?", I asked."Oh, I just wanted to welcome you to the school and to also make sure that your schedule is alright", she said. I nodded and thanked her "I also have a personal message from the Dean, since they aren't able to speak to you in person", my eyes widened a bit when she said that "Oh, what did they say?" I asked. She smiled "They took a look at your high school records and college transcript. They were quite impressed with your accomplishments, and agreed to give you your own lab. You can thank Professor Callaghan for convincing the Dean upon receiving it", she said. I smiled "Thank you very much, it is an honor to receive my very own lab", I said.

She nodded "You have proven yourself, and they can't wait to see you progress more in life", she said. I smiled and nodded my head" I believe this concludes our little meeting, did you have any questions for me?", she asked. I shook my head "Uh, no. Not that I can think of"." Alright then! Did you have any classes today?", she asked "Uh, yes, thirty minutes ago", I said with a small chuckle. "Oh My! I'm very sorry ! Here, allow me to escort you, what is your class?", she asked. "Uh, Statistics'', I told her. "Mathematics, excellent, it's not too far from here", she got up and gestured for me to follow.

I was really glad that she was taking me there, because I had no idea where the class was located. A short time later..we arrived at my class, she gently knocked on the door. The professor opened the door, and they both exchanged a few words. The counselor smiled at me and gestured for me to enter. The Professor closed the door, and told me to have a seat anywhere. I nodded and sat in the back, but not too far, the Professor then resumed her lesson.

*Three Classes Later *

Third Person POV

It was mid afternoon, and Kitiara had finished her classes for the day. She headed for the lunchroom, as she entered she saw how amazing it looked. It looked like it could be a food court at the mall, minus the multiple restaurants. She proceeded to get in line, after grabbing her lunch, she looked around for a place to sit. The lunchroom was kinda packed and it was difficult to find a seat.

Kitiara was deciding whether to go sit at a random table filled with people, or to sit alone. "What if they give me weird looks and tell me to sit somewhere else or think that I'm desperate for attention?", she thought. She looked around and saw that everyone had friends to talk to, or someone that they at least knew. She sighed "Maybe.... I'll try next time", she mumbled. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture and proceeded to look for an empty table. Kitiara managed to find a one in a corner that was a bit further away from the main tables, she placed down her things and sat down. She dug through her bag taking out her phone, earphones and tablet. She plugged in her earphones and started sketching while eating her lunch.

Not long after Honey Lemon walked in the lunch room with her friend Gogo." OMG! Gogo my classes gave me so many ideas for my project that I'm working on!", she said with excitement. They grabbed their lunch and walked out towards the dining area." It gets on my nerves a bit that so many people hog the tables", said Gogo." Oh, we'll find a table. Look there's one in that corner, a girl sitting there and it doesn't look like she's hogging it", said Honey Lemon. Gogo shrugged her shoulders "Eh, worth a shot I guess", she said.

They both walked over to the table "Hi!", said Honey Lemon.

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