Chapter 11 "Here's To Never Growing Up"

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\Selena's POV/

        I would come home from work every day and find myself on the couch, ready to take a nap. I found out that working at a local store in the mall isn't as easy as it seems. I'm on my feet all day and I must make sure every customer is satisfied. Sometimes you would deal with customers with rude attitudes. I had to help on girl, probably around her twenties like me, she was super rich and wanted the top clothing and whenever I offered to help, she would call me a peasant when I walked away to find the shoes she requested.

This time when I came home from work, Rydel texted me, "Wanna go to a party with us?" I rubbed my eyes and yawned. My hair was a massive wreck and my clothes weren't the most fashionable thing in the world. "Where is it?" I asked. She texted back, "Well, it's at our house. Parents are out of town and they said we could throw a party but as long as we kept it under control." I smiled to myself, "Sure. I'll come!"

The party was in a few hours so I took a shower, went through my clothes to find this red dress and black leather jacket. I strapped on some rocker boots and brushed my hair out making sure there was no nots. I ended up at the Lynch house around five o clock and I saw cars lined up. Damn, I didn't know so many people were coming. Maybe it just "seemed" like a big party. I went up to the door and walked in and I saw people that I knew and some people who would I would be just meeting!

"Selena!" Rydel shouted across the way. She was talking to a tall girl with black hair and she was following Rydel. "Meet Savannah, Ryland's girlfriend," she said pointing to the girl with black hair. I nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you!" Savannah nodded and smiled back, "You too!" I looked around and saw Ross at a table with drinks. I went over and he smiled when he saw me. "Hey babe," he said and kissed me on the head. "Hey," I said and wrapped an arm around his waist, hugging him. I saw Ross had beers in front of him and he bit his lip and sighed, "Riker brought them. He said that we were all limited to two," he said with shakiness in his voice. I nodded, "Ross, you can have one or two. It's for a special occasion." He looked at me with loving eyes and I smiled slightly, "I'm here. Nothing bad will happen," I said and kissed his cheek. He mouthed the words, "I love you," to me and grabbed a bottle and took a sip. I drank only once before and it was for my birthday when I turned twenty one. I guess I could have one now. I took a beer and drank a little bit.

        Everyone was dancing to music and I got to meet more people that I haven't met before. They were friends with the Lynches and Ratliffs so they were friends of mine. My contacts list got even bigger by the looks of it. I met an austrailian girl named Maia and a blonde girl named Alexa who was Rocky's girlfriend. I didn't know that the boys started getting girlfriends.

        "This is a great party guys and nobody is too drunk," Riker said. I smiled and laughed, "Yeah!" and I looked at Ross and he nodded. We heard a bang on the door and everyone stopped. Some guys walked in. Oh shit. It was Calum and Johnny. I gripped on Ross's arm and he looked as if he got anger in his eyes when they walked in. "Nice party, Shor," Johnny smirked. Did he just call him by his middle name? "Don't call me that," Ross said. "Why? It's your name, isn't it?" Johnny said putting a hand on Ross's shoulder and Ross shrugged it off. "Get out Johnny, We don't want you here," Ross said. "Who are these guys?" Rocky asked. Rocky had Alexa on his arm and Ryland had Savannah.

"Is this your brother, Rocky, is it?" Johnny asked. Rocky nodded, "That's my name. Don't wear it out."

When I looked in Rocky's eyes, I could tell he wasn't impressed. Johnny eyed Rydel, "Why hello, is this your sister?" he asked winking at her. Ellington stepped up and looked at Johnny, "Back up, she's mine!" he said and Rydel gripped on his arm. Johnny backed up, "Sorry dude. I couldn't help but see how sexy she be lookin' in that short dress of hers," he said. He continued on, "Why don't you come by my place and do me a favor? I won't make you do anything that you haven't done a million times before," he winked. Ratliff had fire in his eyes and he swung at Johnny, without a miss. Johnny felt at his nose and he saw blood on his finger. Oh god. Johnny swung back at Ellington and Ellington ducked it and Ross shook his head in anger, "That's it!" he yelled and grabbed Johnny by his shouder and turned him around and punched him in the face. Johnny fell to the floor and Ross bent down to Johnny and growled,

        "You come anywhere near me, my friends, or my family again, I will kill you."

        Johnny gulped and muttered, "You left us, Ross, you deserve what you going to get." Ross shook his head, "You made me into a bad person. You sicken me and you are a nasty piece of shit and I want you out of my house right now!" Ross yelled and slammed Johnny's head against the counter. Johnny wasn't unconcious yet but he did trudge out the door when Ross picked him up and ascorted him out of the house. Calum was standing in shock. Ross went to Calum and sighed,

"Calum, I know you don't want to be with Johnny and in his shadow. You don't have to," Ross said. Calum nodded, "You're right." Rocky went up to Calum and Ross, "Calum, would you like to stay?" Calum looked at him and then back at Ross, "May I?" Ross smiled and nodded, "Of course, Calum," and Calum smiled and they hugged it out. It made me smiled to myself. That fight with Ellington, Johnny and Ross was intense and I couldn't believe what I saw. I never thought Ross would be the one to get in the fight like that. Each of us had another beer after a while. We ended up having three instead of two each. I felt a bit tipsy but I tried shaking off my emotions. Ross was by the kitchen and I would be next to him,

"Why'd you fight him?"

"He was going after Rydel and everyone. I wasn't going to stand by and let that happen!" he said and took a sip of his beer. I bit my lip and looked up at him. Ross had a bit of blood on his white tee shirt. It wasn't his own. His hair was messy but still looked good enough to go out. I don't know what came over me but I sighed, "You're so hot," I said and then laughing afterwards. Ross laughed along with me and smirked, "You are too," he said winking. He had this sexy smirk that every girl in the world would fall for.

I went up on my toes and kissed him and he held me by my waist and kissed me back passionately. The kiss lasted to seem what was forever until he pulled away from me and said, "I love you, Sel," he said with his forehead pressed against mine. I was on my toes and I was partially lifted off the ground thanks to Ross. "I love you too, Ross," I said and he bite his bottom lip and kissed me once more. We heard a shout come from the party and it was just Rydel screaming. Rydel ran in the kitchen and shouted with a smile, "Guys! Come on!" she said and I laughed as she grabbed both of our arms back to the party. 

We had a few more drinks. Everyone was dancing to, "Raise your glass" by Pink. Riker was probably the most turnt out of all of us. He's become more of a party animal over the years. Ross and I danced together sometimes to the pop, rocking songs. I accidentally got bumped into by Alexa and Rocky who danced together and got pushed into Ross's embrace. I looked up at Ross, "Oh sorry!" I said laughing slightly. I think I was partly drunk because I would never laugh like I was. 

"It's cool," Ross laughed as well. I was staring into the dark brown eyes of a boy who was once my enemy and was now may be one of my favorite and most important people in the world. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair, pulling it back. We just stayed that way for a moment until Ross grabbed my hand and sighed, "Follow me." 

I nodded, "Yeah.." and followed him out of the party and into his room. 

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