Chapter 26 "Bowling Night"

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\Selena's POV/

We went to the store, Ross and I, and found the baby isle and picked out the small things first as in bottles, diapers, baby toys, etc.

"So, should we just get a regular baby crib since we don't know the gender yet?" Ross asked and I said, "Yeah."

We picked a baby crib set out and since I couldn't carry it, Ross carried it for me and I carried the small baby bottles, bag of diapers, and baby food. We did have to get a cart eventually and we checked out as soon as we checked off everything we needed. Ross drove us back to our apartment after we were done and we carried all our stuff up to the spare room that would be for the baby.

"Wow," Ross said. "I know," I said back. "I can't believe this..." He said and I questioned him, "What?" He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me, "That we will be having our own little family." I smiled and I went on my toes and kissed him gently. He kissed back and held me close. I loved to tease him so I gripped his shirt a bit tighter and bit his lip. He smirked and bit my lip back and grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to him, deepening our kiss. We started to make out in the room and we didn't realize we had stuff to do. I pulled away and laughed, "C'mon! We have to get some of this stuff organized!"

He pouted, "But I was enjoying the taste of your lips on mine."

I gave him a look and he sighed, "Okay." He helped me put the crib together and I grabbed a little baby blanket, white as snow, and folded it up and set it in a corner of the crib. Ross took a tiny pillow we bought and put it next to the blanket. We took the "baby bag" and put it under the crib and it was filled with the diapers and bottles and baby wipes. Ross stood and gripped onto the crib and just stared down on it. I was about to leave the room to rest on the couch but I looked back at him,  "Are you coming?" I asked him. He snapped out of his daze and coughed, "Oh yeah. I was just thinking," he said and I smirked, "What?"

He sighed and walked to me and grabbed my hand, "What if I'm not a good dad? What if the baby hates me?" he asked me. I shook my head and fixed his hair, giving him his middle part hair that he has grown to like. "Oh Ross, the baby will love you! You'll be an amazing dad! I believe in you!" I said smiling. He bit his lip and smiled, "Thanks babe," he said kissing me.

We left to the living room and rested on the couch and Ross would rub my tummy and hold me close. "We should go do something with my family!" Ross said suddenly. I giggled, "That was sudden."

"Riker texted me saying they are going bowling and asked if we wanted to come," he said and I smiled, "Sure! Sounds fun!" Ross smiled and kissed my lips and texted Riker some more. Riker said he would pick us up and we would car pool to the bowling alley. Ross rolled his eyes and muttered, "Trying to save on gas, I see." I laughed and we waited for him to show up. He showed up at five o clock and we saw the gang consisting of Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Ellington, and Ryland!

When we got to the bowling alley, Rocky grabbed his bowling shoes and put them on saying, "So, what are the teams?"

Riker, being the oldest, broke us up.

Team 1 - Rydel and Selena
Team 2 - Riker and Rocky
Team 3 - Ellington and Ross
Team 4 - Ryland

"Ryland, why didn't Savannah come? She could've been with you on a team!" I asked him. "Well, she has a family reunion to be at right now. But it is okay because I will still smoke all your guys's asses!" he said laughing and acting like a pimp. I rolled my eyes, "Okay, if you insist!" We started playing and I got a strike and Rydel only knocked down half of the pins. "Oooooh, close one babe!" Ellington yelled out and Rydel scrunched up her nose and shoved him playfully, "Oh shut up!"

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