Chapter 19 "Names & Houses"

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\Ross's POV/

I woke up the next morning hearing my phone buzz.

I look at my phone and saw I had a bunch of texts from Selena asking if she could come over today to talk about the baby and such. Oh yeah, I'm going to be a dad. I smiled to myself and replied saying to come over in a few minutes. She replied right away and she said she would be here in twenty minutes.

I got up and put on a black shirt and just slipped on some sweat pants. My mom was in the kitchen and she had breakfast made which was eggs and bacon and sausage. Rydel and Riker were sitting around the table and eating already. I sat down next to them and started eating.

"I still can't believe my baby brother is starting a family before I do!" Riker said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and yawned. "I'm happy for him," Rydel said smiling and put an arm around me, hugging me slightly. I nodded, "Thanks Rydel." Minutes later, Sel showed up and she was wearing a baggy tee shirt with leggings. I smiled at her and kissed her head when she hugged me. "Hey baby," I said and she smiled, "Hey."

She came in and sat down with me on the couch and I put my arm around her and sighed, "So, what's up?" She rested her head on my shoulder and spoke, "I was thinking we should start thinking of baby names and seeing if you could get a job..."

I raised an eyebrow, "A job?"

"Yeah. I mean, I won't be able to work for a while since I am pregnant."

"Um... Yeah. That's a good point. We also need to think about finding a place to raise the baby."

Selena bit her lip and looked down then back up at me, "So... moving in together?"

I smirked, "Yeah." She blushed rosy pink and sighed, "This is crazy." I nodded, "Yes it is. But it is amazing at the same time." I loved looking at her smile and blush over how we are taking these big steps into adulthood. It is scary for me as well since I have always lived with my mom and I didn't go to college and I've never had to do something for myself. Now I have to take care of another human being?!

"Okay... So, what and where do you think you could get a job?" Selena asked. I shrugged and sighed, "I'll have to look around and see what there is babe. I don't know off the top of my head." She nodded, "I understand. When do you think we'll be able to afford a house? I mean, if we want to start a family together, we will need to get serious and..." I put my hand on her shoulder, "We will figure it out. I promise."

"Okay, what about baby names?" She said looking at her tummy. I smirked, "hmm... How about Romeo for a boy?" She laughed, "Like Romeo and Juliet?" I nodded, "Yes. I'm surprised you remember that..." She interrupted, "it's your favorite movie of all time." I smiled, "Yeah." She shrugged, "But I want to stay with R names. So we can do Romeo for a boy if you want!" I nodded my head in excitement, "Yes!"

"And for a girl?" I asked.

"Hmm... I think... Rebecca?" She asked. "Maybe, what about Ruby?" I asked. "Maybe," she laughed. I smiled seeing her laugh. "We'll talk about it later, okay?" She asked. "Okay," I said back.

"Can we chill for now?" I asked. She nodded, "Okay." I turned the tv on and I put my arm around her and let her relax with me. My other hand was on her thigh and I held her close. I never want to let go. I know she came home from college not too long ago and this is all moving so fast. Why is it moving so fast? Maybe because the eighteen year old me is still in me somewhere and the feelings are mutual. I kissed her head and sighed. All I can think to myself is "am I ready for this part of my life?"

Selena suddenly sat up and clutched at her stomach. My eyes went wide, "Are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on her back. She ran down the hallway to where the bathroom was. I followed her and I saw her throwing up. I usually didn't like the sound of throwing up or even seeing it happen but I know I had to be there for her. I held her hair back as she finished up. "It's okay, I promise. Just breathe," I told her in my softest voice. She finished and wiped her mouth with a towel that I gave her. She fell back on the floor, leaning against the wall and trying to catch her breathe. She held the towel to her lips and stared at the floor. I flushed the toilet and I put the lid down and then sat down on the lid. "I'm sorry you had to see my throw up," she said. I pushed her hair back behind her ear and sighed, "It's okay. I'm here for you, It's kind of my job..." I chuckled. She looked at me and I bit my lip,

"You are my life now."

She smiled at me and I smiled back and I went on my knees and held her. My hands went down her back and my right hand went to her stomach and I felt her. I knew something was there. I couldn't help but smile to myself and grin. I guess this answered my question,

"I am so fucking ready."

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