Chapter 15 "Movies & Starving"

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\Ross's POV/

"That was a close one," was all I could think to myself when I bumped into Selena at the drug store. I was so pissed that day when she said it wasn't my kid, I took on drugs and started drinking more again. It's been like two more weeks since our fight so I've been doing pretty well at avoiding her.

"Ross! Movie night! Oh and Selena is here so you can be happy now!" Riker yelled. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.

"I'm guessing you didn't eat dinner," my mom said to Selena as she was eating our leftovers.

"Um... I had a small dinner," she said and kept eating. That's strange. Rydel laughed, "Well save some room for the popcorn!" She said and they all sat in front of the TV.

I say by Rocky and Selena because my annoying ass brother wanted me to sit there. The movie wasn't that bad. It was about two teenagers who fall in love and they go through fights and then fall back in love. There was a sex scene and usually all of us Lynches go on our phones or something to avoid awkwardness with our parents.

To my surprise, I wasn't like that right now.

"I loved you!" The guy said on the movie. "I loved you too but you just left when I needed you most!" The girl replied. "That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life and I am never going to let you go!" He said and grabbed the girl by her waist and kissed her hard and they went back in their house and they began to make love. I felt something inside me that didn't feel good. I felt hurt.

"Stupidest mistake he ever made was leaving when she needed him," I thought to myself. I looked over and saw Selena. She was watching the movie just as well as I was. She might be pregnant right now... And she can't raise that kid on her own. Suddenly, the movie took a turn moment later where the girl finds out the guy has left to another state and died in a car crash. I felt something cling onto my hand and ... It was her hand. I could see a tear go down her cheek. I bit my lip and held her hand back. I got up and took Sel with me. She sighed when we got to my room, "What Ross? Are you going to say that you don't take back what you said? Are you just going to yell and scream at me again or is this..." She said negative and I didn't let her finish.

I kissed her lips hard but sweet. She didn't kiss back. Oh god, she's still pissed. I kissed her a bit deeper and held her closer to me and let the kiss get softer. When I was about to give up, I felt her kiss back and her hands went around my neck. I sighed and kept us at this moment. I felt her hands on my back and she sighed, "Ross," and I looked at her, "I love you," I said. She had a tear in her eye and I smiled, "I still love you and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't want to be that stupid to let you go! I love you, Selena," I said speaking out.

She sighed and looked down, "I love you... too.." She said sniffling. I chuckled, "Why are you crying?"

"Because..." She had another year come down.

"Why babe? This is great. We are back together and everything is fine. I love you," I said.

"Because.. You're not going to love me after I tell you this..."

I raised my eyebrows, "What?"

"I'm pregnant."

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