Chapter 29 "Day 2"

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\Rydel's POV/

The next day, we woke up and started practicing for battle of the bands. Riker came to me and said, "Hey, Ross and Rocky came to me with a song idea and they wrote it themselves!"
"Wait.. Ross and Rocky write??" I asked.
"Yeah. I was surprised too. I put my own little lyrics in there too and it's pretty good. Ross said um..." He stuttered. I questioned this song.
"He said it reminds him of Selena," he said and I smiled, "I can't wait to hear it!"

The boys came and we all got to hear the song. It was called, "Smile" and I loved it. It was up beat and it could totally be something that will win us battle of the bands. I learned the keyboard part quickly thanks to Rocky and Ratliff added some beats. This band was really coming together quickly. Ryland was there and listened to us and would say, "Sounds good! Let's do it again!" He was quite the manager. We rehearsed it more and more and it sounded pretty good considering it was our first time putting a song together and wanting to perform it. After a few hours, we decided to go to the hospital to check on Selena. She was on the third floor and in room 55. Rocky went to a vending machine to grab a snack then he came rushing back to us saying,

"Guys, the doctor told me that she might be awake!"

Ross's eyes went wide, "really?" Ross asked with excitement. Rocky glared, "No, I said that because I felt like it." Oh, how we loved his sarcasm. We walked in and saw Selena watching tv in her hospital bed. Ross had a huge smile form across his face.
"Hey guys!" Selena said smiling. Ross smiled at her, "Selena, you're awake!" He ran to her and hugged her tight. She hugged back and sighed, "Yes I am." Ross put his hand on her forehead, "how you feeling, baby? Are you in pain?" He asked. She shrugged, "I mean, I'm not feeling horrible but I don't feel great either."

He nodded, "you'll be okay, I promise." Selena held his hand and looked at us, "I'm just glad you guys are here!"

"Hey best friend," I said and smiled as I  gave her a huge hug. She hugged me back and we talked about the battle of the bands and how we were going to get the money to pay for the surgery. "You guys are so sweet," Selena said starting to tear up. Ratliff looked at her, "of course. You're family. We would do anything for you!"

Ross kept his hand in hers, "I love you. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. Besides, you wouldn't be here if I didn't do all those stupid drugs!" He said rolling his eyes and looking upset with himself. I was about to say something until Sel spoke up,

"Hey!" She said lifting his chin up to look at her and have his eyes meet hers. "You didn't know. It's okay, Rossy." He nodded, "I love you so much," he whispered to her and she smiled, "I love you more."
Ross kissed her lips gently and she kissed back.

Selena pulled away and asked, "when is battle of the bands?"

Ryland checked his phone, "Um, in two days," he said. She raised her eyebrows, "Do you guys think you'll be ready?"
Ross looked at her, "We will be. I'll do whatever it takes to get you the treatment you need!" Selena sighed and put her hand to his cheek and then looked at us, "Don't over work yourselves." I smiled at my best friend in the entire world, "We won't. You just work on getting some rest!"
Selena nodded, "I will. And so will the baby... If he or she stops kicking," she laughed. Ross's eyes went wide, "It's kicking?" She smiled and nodded, "wanna feel?" She asked. Ross put his hand on her tummy and I put my hand on her tummy too. I felt a kick. Ross smiled, "It's alive. There's still time," he took a deep breathe, "everything's okay."

I looked at him, "Yeah Ross. My little niece or nephew is living perfectly happy in his little womb!" I laughed. Ross looked down and kissed Sel's stomach.

"Daddy's here. I'm never letting go, I promise."

Selena giggled, "aww, that was adorable!" She said and leaned in and kissed Ross. Ross kissed back and held her close. He pulled away, "You'll be out of here in no time! I promise!"
We stayed at the hospital for another hour. "Guys, we should get going. We have another day of rehearsing tomorrow!" Rocky said. "Rocky's right. Let's get going!" Ellington said taking my hand. Rocky hugged Selena and looked at Ross, "Do you mind if I..." Ross shrugged, "Go ahead. I'm the boyfriend here anyway!" He chuckled. Rocky kissed Sel's head and smiled, "Love ya, Sel! Keep my niece or nephew under wraps!"

Selena laughed, "Alright. Love you too, Rock!"

We all said bye except for Ross. Ross held Selena's hand tight. "You coming Ross?" I asked. He shook his head, "I think I'll stay the night here. Just to keep her company." I sighed, "Okay. Be at my house by noon so we can practice, alright?" he nodded, "Okay."
We left the room and I walked hand in hand with Ratliff.

"Oh crap, I forgot my purse!" I said and left back to the room. I walked in and said, "hey guys, I forgot my..." I stuttered and saw Ross holding Selena on his chest and they were sleeping together again. I smiled and grabbed my purse and left the room. Ratliff was waiting for me, "You get it?" I nodded, "Yup."

He smiled at me, "They fell in love, didn't they?" I smiled back, "Yes they did."

He put his arm around me and we walked out of the hospital with a sense that everything would be okay.

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