Chapter 3 "Surfing Safari"

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\Selena's POV/

It was the next day and I woke up to see the bright sun shining through the window of my old room. I am staying with my mom until I can get a job and a house. She said I could stay as long as I needed to. When I look over at my phone, I see it is buzzing like crazy. It has a list of all the text messages Rydel texted me in the past hour.

" WAKE UP 😆 "


It went on and on. I laughed and I got up, turned on the light and got dressed in shorts and a blue tank top with sandals. I also grabbed a swim suit which was a yellow bikini that I had recently purchased. I remember when I was eighteen and had a big insecurity about my weight and stuff like that. Well, instead of complaining, I did something about it. I went on jogs and started caring about my health. I have lost some weight in the past years and I feel pretty great.

My grandmother told me that it's not about what you eat, it's what you do after you eat. So, instead of eating ice cream and sleeping, I would eat and maybe go on a jog now and then. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I have become more independent and confident about myself. I put my bikini in a bag and wore my regular everyday clothes out of the house after I grabbed breakfast.

I walked down the street to the Lynch house and I saw Rydel and Ellington on the front yard messing around while Riker and Rocky were with them but they were on their phones. Ratliff was giving her a piggy back ride and he was wearing green swim shorts with a guys tank top. Rydel was wearing a crop top and shorts with sandals and she probably had her swim suit in her bag.

"Hey guys!" I said waving to them. Rydel was giggling and finally looked up at me, "Oh hey Girly! Ratliff, PUT ME DOWN!" She laughed. I chuckled at the sight of them being all cute together. I can't believe they stayed together this long. Rocky got up and went to me smiling, "Hey Sel," he said hugging me and I hugged back.

He was still taller than me by a long shot. Figures. I probably only have grown an inch or not at all. Everyone else came out of the house including Ross and Ryland. "It's just us today," Riker shouted. "Mom and dad went out of town but they said they'll be back at night," Ryland said tossing his water bottle in the air and catching it.

It's surprising how we are all grown ups yet we still act like we're eight years old.

"Are we ready to go?" Ross asked putting on his sunglasses and we all nodded. Ross tossed keys up in the air and catching them. My eyes went wide, "Ross is driving?!" I asked. Ross glared at me, "Yes. Yes I am."

I shrugged and we all got in the car and to my surprise, Ross actually drove normally. Did he take driving lessons or something while I was gone? We got to the beach soon and we hopped out of the car. Rydel and I went to the changing rooms and put on our swimsuits. I came out and I saw all the boys waiting for us. I looked at Ross and for some reason he was just staring at me. Riker looked at both Rydel and I,

"Great. You girls are ready!" he said smiling. I chuckled and Rydel smirked,

"Uh..." I said trying not to laugh and I pointed to Ross. Riker looked at Ross and saw him staring at me. Riker elbowed him in the stomach saying, "Ross!" and Ross snapped out of it. "Oh god, sorry!" He said stuttering and holding at his side. I rolled my eyes a little bit and we all headed down to the beach.

"You look great, Rydel," Ellington said and she smiled, "Thanks!" Ratliff gave her a quick kiss and then set the bags down that we brought from the car. The boys started taking their shirts off so they were in their swim shorts.

Ross grabbed a surf board and ran his fingers through his hair, "Alright, let's go!" He said and started running down to the ocean. I feel weird by saying this but, I couldn't help but stare at Ross. He looked super hot without his shirt on and his hair was perfect. He really kept his looks over the years or maybe they got better. He turned into a pretty attractive young man.

"Selena, Selena!" Rydel shouted and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh hey.." I said blushing. "Girl, stop staring at him. You make it obvious you still love him," she said smiling going into the ocean and I followed her in,

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You were staring at him while he took his shirt off. You must still love his.. well.. looks in a way," she said. I shrugged,

"Well, maybe I still think he's a bit hot and everything after so long but that doesn't mean I think he's amazing on the inside. He could've changed and so far, that is a big chance," I explained to her as I got deeper and deeper into the ocean, getting used to the water.

Rydel rolled her eyes, "Alright, whatever you say," she laughed and splashed me with water. I splashed her back. Ross and Ellington came over on their boards,

"Hey girls," Ratliff said winking at Rydel.

"Hey Ratliff," Rydel said.

"Wanna come surf?" Ross asked.

"Sure.." I said. "But I don't have a board," I said looking down slightly at the water staring at my reflection in the waves.

"You can use mine for a little bit," Ross said getting off his board and pushing it over to me. I put my hand on it to stop it, "Are you sure?" He nodded, "Yeah. Why not?"

I shrugged and took it in both my hands, "Thank you."

We surfed for a few more hours and then headed to In-N-Out for lunch. We all sat together and we had a few laughs and talks. I couldn't remember the last time we all hung out like this. It feels amazing to be back. "Yeah, I mean, college was good but I really like to be back here with you guys," I said drinking my soda. "We love having you back," Rydel said drinking her drink.

I got up to get a refill and I guess Ross did too. He stood next to me as we both refilled. "So, when did you start working out? I can tell you lost weight.." Ross said. I shrugged, "I don't know. Sometime after the first month of college or something like that."

"You look good," he said nodding and looking at me. I was still in my bikini and so was Rydel and the boys were in their swim shorts but they had shirts on. I'm surprised the people still served us even when we are only in swim wear.

"You look good too," I said back looking at him. He smirked and nodded, "Thank you very much."

Good? More like sexy as hell...

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