Chapter 4 "Bad Boys"

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\Ross's POV/

We got back to our house and Selena stayed with us. Let me just say something. She looked so freaking hot at the beach. I've never seen her like that before, not even when we were dating. I couldn't help but stare at her. I wonder if she still has feelings for me after all this time. My phone started to buzz,

" hey man, meet us by the park. "

It was from Johnny and I sighed, grabbing my jacket. "Where are you going?" Selena asked. "I'm going on a walk. I'll be back soon," I said smiling at her and she smiled back, "Alright."

I went by the park to meet up with the boys. I saw Calum drinking a bottle of beer and I smirked, "Hey dude, save some for me." Calum looked at me and nodded, grabbing a bear from a cooler that sat next to Johnny who was on his phone. Calum tossed the beer to me and I took the cap off and took a gulp. Johnny looked at me with a cold hearted look, "Where have you been?" he asked without a stutter.

"I was just out. I got family stuff going on and you know how I am when it comes to family," I said taking another drink. Johnny laughed, I could already smell the alcohol on his breathe. He got up and put an arm around me, "Ross, man, we're your family. What problems you got with that first family can be said to your second family," he said smiling.

I sighed, "It's a long story.." Calum chirped in, "We got time."

I explained it all to them. How Selena and I were enemies at first then we became friends and then boyfriend and girlfriend and how she broke up with me so she could go to college. I also explained how she just came back from college and that's where I've been the past two days.

"Dude, she seems like a goody two shoes!" Johnny said. I nodded, "She pretty much is."

"We don't like those kinds," Johnny smirked, setting his beer down. "We like those kinds of girls who can get into a good fight, ya know, the ones who got the skimpy outfits to impress us but also can fight along with us when people act stupid," he explained to me. I looked down at the grass and my mind trailed off. I wondered when we could get some more rain.

"Johnny, Selena is different and she was my first real love," I said. He shrugged his shoulders,

"Well, Ross, we're bad boys. She will not be able to fit in with us like bad girls would," Johnny said taking out a cigarette. I raised an eyebrow,

"When did you start smoking?"

He shrugged and looked off into the distance, "I don't know. Maybe, like, two weeks ago.." he said. He took out a lighter and lit it. After he did, he grabbed another cigarette and held it out to me,

"You want one?" He asked. I puffed my cheeks, "I don't know, dude, I have always been taught no smoking, I'm barely even allowed to drink this much," I chuckled out a laugh or two. Johnny laughed, "Hey, if Calum tried it, would you try it?" He asked.

Calum and I were actually really close friends. I am closer to Calum then Johnny due to how him and I follow Johnny around. Calum is in the same boat as me as well. He doesn't want to do this stuff but he just wants friends. Me, on the other hand, just want time.

Calum sighed, "I'll try one.." My eyes went wide as I saw him reach for the butt of the cigarette, "Calum, you don't have to." He shrugged, "It's okay. I want to."

I knew that was a total lie.

Calum took one and put it in his mouth and Johnny lit it for him. I bit my lip, "Do I really want this?" I asked myself. I shrugged, "Just one won't hurt me," I said to myself once again and I took the killing thing right in between my teeth and gave it the smallest inch of power to possibly kill me.

After I smoked it, I looked at the time and it would be close to dinner time so I headed back home. When I got there, Selena was still there. Thank god. I went to her,

"Hey Selena," I said. She looked up at me,

"Oh hey Ross," she said smiling a little at me. God, I forgot how much I missed that smile.

"Um, I wanted to see if you wanted to catch up sometime," I breathed out. She looked down at her phone and pulled it out, looking at her calendar.

"Um, I was hoping to start looking for a job but I guess I can make time for you," she said. I smiled, "Great. How about tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded, "Sure. We can go out for lunch!"

"Sounds great," I said smiling and she nodded, leaving the house because my mom yelled for everyone to come to dinner. I sighed and muttered, "Yes!"

"I saw that," Rydel said coming out from the hallway. I smirked, "Oh whatever."

We had dinner and I went to my dad's office which I slept. My phone buzzed,

"Dude, we found a sweet party tomorrow! It's during the day which sucks but it's going to be awesome. It's at noon. You going to come?"

It was from Johnny. I gulped and texted back,

"I have plans."

"It's not that Selena girl, is it?"


"Oh come on Ross! Wtf man?"

I couldn't help but think to myself about how if I want my love back, I have to give up my bad boy life and start actually trying to get her back. It's hard because I've already done so many things with the boys and I don't want to lose them. What if I never get Selena back? That means I would've lost my boys and my true love. I can't lose both. So, I'll just lose what I've already lost.

"I'll be there."

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