Chapter 1 "Back Together Again"

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\Selena's POV/

It was a sunny day here in California. We had rain the past few days and I didn't really want it to end. I enjoy the rain. Today is leaving day here at college and I'm upset yet relieved. I am upset because I made some good friends and I don't want to leave them and I'm also relieved because I'll be seeing my old friends again! My second family if you would like to think of it that way.

My mother and sister would visit me at college maybe one weekend of every month and I set my time up just for them. My best friend, Rydel Lynch, talks to me on the phone sometimes but I haven't talked to her very recently. I cannot wait to go see her again, for sure! It's been four years without her. I miss her and the rest of her brothers terribly.

I saw my new friends that I made here come down the hallway to see me. I was just taking the last of my bags out of my dorm and locking up the room.

"Hey Sel!" My friend, Jenny, would say. I smiled, "Hey Jen!" I was wearing jeans and a brown leather jacket with a red tank top. A pair of Chuck Taylor's at my feet. "You locking up?" My other friend, Asa, would say. I met him on week three of staying here and it was in biology. I did not understand the assignment at all and he was there and that's how we became friends. "Yeah. Do I got both your guys's numbers?" I asked.

"Yeah and Twitter!" Jenny said laughing. I nodded, "Cool. Walk me to my car?" I asked. They nodded and we all walked downstairs together. Yes, I did get a car eventually. It was for my 21st birthday and it was from my mom and it is a Dodge Journey SUV.

When we got to my car, I hugged my friends and said goodbye and we would catch up sometime soon. I got in my car and drove out of the parking lot and the first place I wanted to go was my mom's house. It took hours but I arrived there at around three o clock. I noticed a green jeep next to my mom's car. I had my shades on and I got curious. I walked up to the door and knocked.

My mom opened the door, "Selena! You're home!" She said smiling. I smiled back and we hugged, "Hey mom." I looked around the house and it didn't change much. I noticed some bags on the floor but I shook it off. I went up the stairs to the living room and saw my sister, Sierra, who was now in her teens. She was seventeen years old, to be exact.

"Hey baby sister," I said and she looked up from her phone. She got her own phone when she was thirteen just like I did. "Hey Selena," she said smiling and got up and hugged me. I hugged back then we pulled away and my mom bit her lip as if she was nervous.

"Did you notice dad was home?" Sierra asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, "dad?" I looked at my mom, "what is she talking about?"

I then saw a guy walk downstairs coming from my mom's room and he was on his phone wearing a cap and jeans. He had some tee shirt on from Duck Dynasty Merchandise. Oh crap, it's Shawn. My sister's dad.

"Hey Weena! Long time, no see!" He said smiling slightly. My eyes were wide and I got closer to my mom and hugged her. "Hi..." I said shyly.

"Shawn, I think she's grown out of the Weena thing, remember that she is twenty two.." My mom reminded him. He nodded, "Alright. Fine. It's just I haven't seen her in a long time!" He said smiling. I nodded, "Yeah... I was like seven," I said. He smirked, "Yep."

I looked at the clock and it was now three thirty. I better go see Rydel and them. "Yeah, I would love to stay and chat but I have other people to see!" I said grabbing my phone that I had set on the table.

"What people?" He asked. "Um... Friends," I said. He raised an eyebrow, "Better not be boys." I laughed and shook my head. Shawn folded his arms, "I'm serious."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll explain when I come back. For now, you will know nothing," I said and walked out of the house. I got into my car and drove down to the Lynch house. Through my mind, all I could think about was what I was going to see. I turned on the radio and listened to CDs and anything really.

I came up to the house and I gulped when I saw it. I don't know what to expect. I went up to their door and knocked and a lady opened the door, "Hello?" She asked. It was Stormie. "Hi Stormie, It's Selena! I'm back!" I said smiling friendly.

Her eyes went wide, "Selena! Oh my goodness, you're so grown up!" She said pulling me into a hug and I hugged back. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs.Lynch!" I said. We pulled away and she fixed my hair a little,

"You're so beautiful and grown! I can't believe it's you!" She said.

"Oh please come in! I think everyone is in the living room," she said opening the door wide open for me. I smiled and walked in the house and saw it all looked so great. Stormie yelled for Rydel and I saw a blonde girl come out and it was my best friend in the world. "Selena!" She shouted and hugged me tight and I hugged back.

"Rydel, I'm so happy to see you!" I yelled. She was wearing jeans and a long sleeve pink and white striped shirt and her hair was long blonde as always. She was twenty five now. Oh my god, where does the time go? I think my voice rings throughout the house because the next thing I heard was,

"Wait, is that Selena?! Oh my god!"

I laughed at that and waited, listening to the sound of feet stomping on the floor to get to me. I saw a tall blonde guy and his eyes were wide with excitement. He has a little bit of mustache but it was a blonde mustache so you could barely see it. "Hey Sel, how the heck are you?" He asked. "I'm good, Riker!" I said in a cheerful voice as he pulled me into a hug. He is twenty seven years old. Holy crap.

I saw the other boys run in and they all looked so grown. "Hey Ry," I said to Ryland and he smiled and hugged me, "Hey Selena." I looked at Ryland and he was twenty one now. "You're not drinking yet, are you?" And he shrugged, "I had one or two shots. That's all so far.." I nodded, "Okay. Don't get drunk on me yet.." I laughed and soon everyone laughed.

I missed them so much.

There was one person I didn't hug or anything yet. Ellington was even here, their dad was here and that was great. It's Ross who is missing.

"Where's Ross?" I asked.

"He's um... out," their mom said.

"I think he's at the park or something. I don't really know," Rocky said.

"Here, I'll call him," Rydel said going into another room starting to call up Ross. I shook it off and looked around the house. "Do you guys still share rooms?" I asked and Rocky shook his head. "I live in the living room now," he said and I laughed and Rydel smiled, "Riker has his own room and Ross lives in dad's office," she explained. It finally makes sense.

I suddenly saw a door swing open and a tall blonde guy walked in that wasn't Riker. He wore a leather jacket, jeans, tee shirt that said "rebel" on it and converse. "Hey guys," he said and walked past me but then turned around and came back.

"Selena?" He asked. I nodded, "Hey Ross.." I said and smiled slightly. He bit his lip and nodded, "It's nice to see you."

He walked off into another part of the house which I didn't know where. "That was strange," Rydel said. I nodded and shrugged, "I guess it's alright. He probably had somewhere to go.." Riker shook his head, "I'll go talk to him."

I wonder what that was about. Oh well, right now, I want to focus on my best friend and see what's been happening. I can talk to Ross later.

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