It's Life or Death

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After the incident in the garage, Ruby had picked me up, carried me into the house, and put me in a dog cage.

She grabbed a spatula and tapped me in the head.

Though she had no idea what she was looking at, she thought it was kinda cute. Kinda like a puppy.

She started to realize what she was looking at, and picked up my quill she'd found.

She lifted it up, and looked at it and me, realizing it belonged to me. She also remembered everything Crazy Carl had said.

"The Blue Devil..." she whispered, realizing he was right.

She turned around and set my quill down, trying to comprehend what was going on.

While she was detracted, I regained consciousness, and sleepily crawled to the cage door and opened it up. I crawled out, and stood up, using the door to keep from falling.

Ruby picked up her scroll and turned around to take a picture of me, when she realized I was awake.

She backed up and dropped her scroll.

I looked at her. "Cookie Queen?" I said. I had never been this close to her before, and though I already thought she was pretty, I only now realized how beautiful she really was. I blushed slightly.

"You can talk," Ruby said. "Y-You're not here to abduct me, are you?"

"You abducted me!" I said, trying to hide my shyness.

"Okay, that's a fair point," Ruby said. "What are you? Why were you hiding out in my garage?"

"I needed somewhere safe," I explained. "And you're the only person I could think of, Cookie Queen."

"Why do you keep calling me Cookie Queen?!"

"Cuz you talk to cookies," I explained. "And then eat them if they get out of line."

"Again, fair," Ruby said. "But my favorite food is strawberries."

I smiled, happy to have a conversation with the girl I'd had a crush on for years. "Wait wait wait," I said, realizing the situation. "Where are all the mushrooms? Why am I still on Remnant? What--" Then I remembered. "Oh no! I lost my rings!"

"What?!" Ruby said, really confused.

Suddenly, the room started to shake.

"What's happening?" Ruby asked. "Is this your mothership? I'm not in the mood to get probed!" She walked over to the window.

"You think you're worried?" I said. "I'm not even wearing pants!"

She moved the curtains aside.

"What the...?" she said.

Curious at what she was looking at, I headed over to a chair near the window, and climbed up to peek out the window.

There, parked outside the house, was Robotnik's truck.

I screamed and shut the curtain, turning to Ruby.

"They're coming for me!" I yelled.

"Who's coming for you?!" she asked. "What's that got to do with me?!"

"I don't have time to explain!" I said. "Just grab your awesome weapon thingy and attack them!"

"First off it's called Crescent Rose, and second I left it at the academy!"

"Oh come on! The one time I need it! Okay, fine, but you have to help me!"

"Why?" Ruby asked.

Sonic the Hedgehog (Male! Sonic! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now