Chapter 11: Whatever You Say

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Chapter 11

Whatever You Say




Half asleep, I rolled over and hit something solid. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

“Feeling better?” asked Keith.

I shrugged and slowly sat up. “Tired.”

He leaned over and kissed my neck. His lips touched the new scar.

I jumped at the sudden sensation. “Holy shit.” I jerked away from him and grasped the area. “Don’t do that.”

Keith smiled, laughing softly. “Problem?”

Throwing off the blankets, I climbed out of bed. “Yeah, I’m mated to a jerk.” I went to the bathroom to examine the bite.

The raised teeth marks were a light pink.

Keith appeared and leaned against the door frame. “Jerk?”

I groaned. “I was joking.” Turning back and forth, I looked over the rest of my skin. “This just sucks,” I muttered, lifting my arm. “I like that one. It was from my first fight.” I ran my fingers over the smooth skin. “I won too,” I stated. “I can win fights. I’ve won a lot actually.”

Keith raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, it can’t be reversed.” Walking behind me, he grabbed my sides and pressed his nails into me. “Even if I wanted to.” Leaning down, he kissed my neck. “It would heal too fast to leave a scar.”

“This is so depressing,” I sighed. “I mean look at this. I worked hard for those scars. Now, I look like a… like a sub.” My shoulders dropped. “Lost my virginity along with my pride.”

He chuckled. “Being my mate is that bad?”

I gripped the counter. “It’ll at least keep your dad from stabbing me.”

Keith pressed against me. “Anything else, or are you just in this for my enzymes?”

“They’re a perk,” I whispered.

His hand brushed along my sides. “Are you sure?” He bit my ear gently.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Then why are you hard, West?”

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. “I don’t know. I just am.”






The humans had dropped off the meat in the same location. I walked with the rest of the pack to go eat. Today had been great. The feral wolves played with me, and we took naps together. I really like it here.

The wolves started to eat. I gnawed on a deer leg, watching the humans park nearby. The woman was in the truck. I really hoped she visited again tomorrow.

I heard the engine start. My ear twisted to the side. Some of the wolves started to drag the carcasses towards the trees. Other weren’t bothered by the approaching truck. My tail wagged. I could see the woman. She didn’t look happy though. I’d cheer her up.

Climbing to my feet, I walked to the passenger side of the vehicle and howled to get her attention. She smiled but didn’t move. The man besided her was saying something, but I couldn’t hear it clearly. I moved closer and pawed at the door. The window rolled down.

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