Clarion Ladies University | Rachpollo

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
No Mist
Warnings: Cussing
Word Count: 1041

I fucking hate this dam (hehe) school. Whoops, excuse my language. Or don't. I don't really care. I just want out of this stupid ladies university thing and to go spend time with my husband and daughter. Oops. Hey, I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Clear-sighted mortal, Oracle of Delphi. I'm also the wife of Apollo, god of music, the sun, prophecies and whole lot of other shit. You're probably wondering, "wait aren't you not allowed a relationship cuz the Oracle thing?" Well, Apollo removed the maiden part of that, we got married, I became the 15th Olympian, (Hestia and hades got thrones finally!) had Alina, a now 3 year old girl with sunshine blonde curls and sky blue eyes, watched the seven, Calypso Chrisse, Tratie, Solangelo, Reyna, Thalia, Miranda and Connor become minor gods/goddesses which included a bunch of adorable weddings and became pregnant with my second child. I wanted to do the full nine month pregnancy that I didn't with Alina so here we are. I'm 1 month pregnant. Now, I'm at this school because William made me. He's my father. William Dare. He's a bitch for sure. Leading that stupid DES. It stands for Demigod Elimination Society. Asshole thinks demigods should be locked up or killed, starting with the Oracle. Like come on man! That's also why I go by Rachel Elizabeth at that dastardly school. William made me come here in order for me to move out. He's controlling, extremely. And now my mother is apart of the DES and believes the same as him. The only good thing about this school is their art program. There's this one whore named Clara De Grande II. Yeah, I know. She's a borderline bully. Not to mention she's claiming to be engaged to MY husband. Anyways, now it's time for art class, thank the gods.

I walked into the classroom, immediately seeing a substitute teacher. I smirked to myself. Free art day. I took my place in front of my easel and got out all of my paints, brushes and canvases. I set a 24x30 sized canvas on the easel and began painting. It's all blur seeing as the Oracle paints for me most of the time. After I'd finished, I saw a painting of Apollo and I laying in a flowery field, the moon glowing bright in the middle of the sky. Artemis in her chariot, winking at us. Our hands were linked as we are on our backs, Alina cuddled against his chest while I had a sleeping baby girl on mine. It made me smile. I missed them. And I assumed the baby was the one I was going to have. As I was lost in admiring my painting, the headmistress' voice went over the speakers that were hooked into every classroom.

"Students, please report to the auditorium immediately."

We got up and walked into the auditorium, taking a seat in the high-quality expensive chairs we were forced into. William was on stage with my mother. I scowled, peering next to me. It was none other than Clara and her minions. I could hear her bragging about the 'super expensive engagement ring from Apollo that she got' like okay girl. Chill. That ring isn't even real gold, which is the funny part.

"Good morning students of Clarion Ladies University," he greeted, continuing, "Today we are here to discuss the matter of demigods. Mainly regarding the Oracle of Delphi,"

Everyone clapped politely, besides me of course.

"Demigods should be killed. Starting with that dammed Oracle," he stated. Suddenly, the stage took over a bright flash. There appeared Apollo and Alina.

"YOU WISH TO KILL MY ORACLE?!" Apollo yelled. I could tell he was a centimeter away from vaporizing a now nervous William.

"Um y-yes?" He shook out.

Apollo growled in responds and was about to shoot a blast of the sun at William when Clara stood up. I facepalmed, knowing what was gonna happen.

"Babe!! Why do you want this 'Oracle' to not be killed?" She asked with a flirty smile.

"Um...who the fu-" he was interrupted by a glare form Alina, "sorry. Who the hades are you?"

"I'm you're fiancée silly!"

"I'm already married and swore the Styx to be faithful, plus you're not really my type so yeah no thanks," Apollo said. I snorted.

Clara pouted and sat down, embarrassed. Apollo turned his attention to the cowering William. The blazing ball of sun was about a foot from his face when I jumped up. No matter how much I want him dead, it's against the ancient laws.

"PHOEBUS APOLLO! YOU KNOW THAT'S AGAINST THE ANCIENT LAWS!" I screamed at him. He shrunk backward and visibly paled at my voice before composing himself.

"But loveyyyyyyyy! I really wanna kill this oneeeeee," he whined like a child. I rolled my eyes.

"So do I but I'm not having my husband stripped of his godhood. Especially not before our new daughter is born," I told him, walking to the stage. He nodded in defeat, dropping William and then jumped up as if just now processing what I'd said.

"OH MY LETO! WERE HAVING ANOTHER BABY GIRL!!!!" He shouted, pulling me and Alina into a tight hug. The three year old didn't really under stand. Apollo picked her up.

"You're going to have a baby sister Ally," he told her.

She squealed and placed her hands on my stomach, making both Apollo and I smile.

"R-Rachel?" My father croaked out.

"Oh right. I'm Rachel, Oracle of Delphi, Goddess of Oracles, Art and minor control over prophecies. Wife of Apollo, Mother of Alina and we have another baby on the way," I stated my main titles and Apollo flashed us out.

8 months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We named her Althea and she became the goddess of Creativity, Truths and Health. She had wavy, red hair with emerald green eyes that had sky blue around the Iris. Also, the painting I made in art class, it's now in our bedroom on Olympus.

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