Scarlet Belle | Chrisse (D)

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
Word Count: 475

Hey!!! I'm Scarlet Belle. I attend Arizona High in Phoenix, AZ. My only friend here is Clarisse La Rue. We're both super athletic. Clarisse is very pretty, despite what the "popular" wh- sorry girls say. She has dark brown hair that's usually pulled into a ponytail with a bandana around her head and beautiful brown eyes. I have brown eyes as well but my hair is more of a light brown. I grew up in an apartment with my mom because my dad left when I was little. I have ADHD and Dyslexia, so does Clarisse. I used to get bullied until she came. She stood up for me and we became friends. Today she looks quite happy! I rarely see her excited or smiling so this is new! Oh I remember why, her boyfriend from New York is coming to get her today after school and take her to camp. I get to come with her because it's for ADHD and Dyslexic kids. Just then, I saw Celia Burgess. The HBIC of Arizona High. She approached then Clarisse and I.

"What are you so happy for Clary?" Celia said, hand on her hip.

"I find that none of your business and my name is Clarisse. Not Clary, Claire, nor Risse," My friend sneered.

"Well ugly! You better tell me!" The beech yelled.

"Fine. My boyfriend is picking me up today," Clarisse brightened up a bit and the mention of her boyfriend who I found out was named Chris.

Celia hphmd, "we'll see about that,"

We waited outside for about five minutes until we saw a blood red Mercedes Benz pull into the parking lot. It parked and a hot guy stepped out. Not my type though. He was super muscular for sure. He had brown eyes and black hair and looked Hispanic or Spanish or something like that. Celia immediately rush to him and clung to his arm. He gently pushed her away and started walking!?! OHHHH! This must be Chris!

"Clarisse, someone's coming this way," i said and tapped her shoulder. She looked up before a smile broke out on her face. She dropped what she was doing, cleaning a spear head, and sprinted toward him. She suffocated him in a hug and he kissed her head. They made their way back over to where I was and Clarisse grabbed her stuff. I introduced myself and then we got in the car, which I found out was Clarisse's, and they started explaining everything with the gods. We arrived at camp and as soon as I crossed the boundary line, I was claimed by Ares.

That's how I met Chrisse and found out I was a demigod.

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