Riley Fletcher | Percanca (M)

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
Word Count: 879
I'll be experimenting with ships for these so they're definitely not all canon

I'm Riley Fletcher and I have a crush on one of my best friends. How could you not though? Beautiful, swirling sea-green eyes, messy black hair, lean swimmers body. Not to mention he's the sweetest person ever. If you haven't guessed, it's Percy Jackson. I really like him and I wish he'd like me back but he says he has a girlfriend. I think he secretly likes our other friend, Jane, but she has a girlfriend named Julia. His girlfriend has, and I quote, "long, black silky and soft hair, beautiful dark onyx-like eyes and gorgeous Italian complexion" she sounds to good to be real and that practically describes Jane! Meanwhile, I have pale, short blonde curly hair and blue/green eyes. But alas, I know Percy and I are soulmates! We've been friends since sophomore year up until now, senior year. Anyways, in my friend group it's me, Jane Casey, Percy Jackson and Julia Blake. Julia has shoulder-length sunshine blonde hair with the tips dyed rainbow and baby blue eyes. She's dating Jane. We're all really close and know everything about each other too. Right now, we're all at Percy's apartment playing video games and eating pizza. It's raining outside, like down pouring. It's also freezing! The heat is on and we're all bundled in sweaters and blankets while playing Mario kart. Just then, there's a knock on the door.

I was hanging with my mortal friends at my mom's apartment. She and Paul were upstairs, her writing and him grading papers. Then, someone knocked on the door. I got up and answered to find my girlfriend, Bianca, shivering, soaked and looking about ready to pass out. My eyes widen and I pulled her inside, lifting her bridal style.

"MOM! GET THE FIRST AID BOX IN MY ROOM PLEASE," I yelled up the stairs. I carried a now unconscious Bianca into the living room, shoving everything off of the couch. I heard a soft pitter patter of steps up stairs and then coming down. My mom appeared in the door way with a box of demigod healing stuff. She gasped when she saw Bianca's body on the couch.

"Percy, go get her warm clothes," she commanded. I nodded and rushed into my room. I grabbed a soft blanket, hoodie, sweats and fuzzy socks that I had in my closet. Quickly, I made my way downstairs to be greeted with the faces of my confused mortal friends.

"I'll explain after," I responded, quickly running to the living room. Bianca's lips turned back to their original dusty pink from the blue before and her breathing was steady. I crouched next to her, holding her hand, and removed the water.

Riley, Jane, and Julia make their way to the living room and took a seat on the chairs, watching the scene unfold. The girl they didn't know was beginning to stir awake. Her eyes opened slowly, adjusting to light. She saw where she was and turned to face the sea-green eyed boy next to her.

"Hey," she croaked out.

"How ya feelin?" Percy asked softly, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles gently. Riley was getting jealous. Sure, they could have a sibling bond! That's it! No need for her to be overreacting!

"Like I got hit by 100 trucks," she said, voice cracking slightly.

"What happened?" Percy asked.

"Too many monsters. Summoned army. Used energy to shadow travel," she stammered a bit. Percy then nodded and he helped her sit up, then stand. He helped her walk to his room and then get Percy's fresh, warm clothes on. He then brought her back to the living room and had her sit next to him on the couch. She laid her head into his lap as he played with her hair. The moment was interrupted by a now angry Riley clearing her throat.

"Sorry guys," Percy said, wrapping his arm around a now sitting Bianca's waist. "This is Bianca, my beautiful girlfriend,"

That's what made Riley snap.

"WHAT! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ME! IVE KNOW YOU LONGER! I LOVE YOU PERCY! SHES JUST A SLUT USING YOU!" She snapped, red with anger. Julia and Jane gave disapproving looks to the blonde. Bianca had just lent back against the couch, a smug smirk on her face. Percy, he could only see red. His eyes were like a tropical storm and he looked terrifying to the mortals.

"Bianca is not a slut. She's not using me. We've been friends since I was 13 and began dating when I was 15. I love her more than anything in the entire world so just leave, Riley." Percy threatened in a deathly calm voice. She gulped, nodding, and ran out of the door. All of the remaining friends played games and ate junk food all night.

A/N there might be slower updates now but I have a few chapters planned, just not written. Also I'm currently sick and I dunno what I have. I don't think it's corona I think I have a cold. Anyways, enjoy the future chapters and feel free to give me ideas :)

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