Ryan Car | Jasper/Jiper (M)

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
Word Count: 469

My names Ryan Car. I have sandy blonde hair and pale green eyes. I'm the Wide receiver on the Golden Bulls, the football team at Golden Bull High. My best friend is named Jason Grace. He's got blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He's also the Quarterback. We're considered as "popular" but we hate bullying so we both stop it. Jason could have any girl but he always turns them down saying he has a girlfriend or something like that. I'm not 100% sure if I believe or not. Right now, we're in the cafeteria.

"Hey Jase, I heard there's a new girl today" I said, taking a bite out of our school lunch.

"Oh really?" He asked, just then the door to the cafeteria opened. Everyone's heads turned and there was a girl with choppy brown hair. Her eyes seemed to change colors almost like a kaleidoscope, she also hair feathers in her hair. She looked as if Cherokee descendent as well. If you can't tell, I'm really good at reading people. Her eyes scanned the cafeteria but they landed on...us? She smiled super bright and ran over, making a shush sign to me. Jason hadn't seen her yet. She was right behind him.

"Guess who" she said. Jason spun around so fast I thought he got whiplash!

"BEAUTY QUEEN!!" He shouted, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her. I cleared my throat.

"Oh sorry. Ryan, this is my girlfriend Piper. Piper, this is my friend Ryan," he introduced us and shook her hand that she had put out.

"Hi! It's nice to me you" she said.

"You too" I replied, giving a small smile. Piper sat down next to Jason and we all talked and hung out. I learned about how they met and where she was from. Then, we heard the click of heels right near our table. I groaned, Jason sighed and Piper was confused.

"Here comes Brittany" Jason muttered.

"Ohh Jasey!!!" Brittany flirted, rubbing her hand up his arm, "how about you come over tonight at 7? My parents won't be home"

"I'm good. I'm spending time with my girlfriend tonight" Jason said, moving her hand off him.

"Oh please. Ditch her! I'm so much better" she purred.

"Excuse me." Piper coughed.

"And who are you?" Brittany asked, rudely.

"The girlfriend" Piper said, standing up facing Brittany, "Now you'll leave Jason alone for the rest of your time at high school"

Brittany just nodded and walked away. My mouth fell open and my eyes were wide, "how did you..?"

"Special talents" she said, simply and sat back down. Jason wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple.

And that's how u met Jason and Piper!

It's a short one, sorry!

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