17 - Baseball Game

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"Hey, Matt," Mr. Russo greeted Matt.

"Hello, Mr. Russo," Matt greeted his friends father.

Mr. Russo had come over to the Taylor's household.

"What's up?" Matt asked.

"I need you to join the baseball team," Mr. Russo said.


"Listen, I know you're a busy kid, but I really need you," Mr. Russo said.

Matt sighed. "I don't know, sir."

"Please," Mr. Russo begged. "I just need you to be on the team for a few weeks."

Matt bit his lip.

"Oh, hey, Jerry," Harrison greeted Mr. Russo as he came down the stairs.

"Hey, Harrison," Mr. Russo greeted Harrison.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Russo wants me to join the baseball team," Matt explained.

"And he won't join," Mr. Russo added.

"What? Why not? You're great at baseball," Harrison said.

"I haven't played baseball since I was seven," Harrison said. "It's been what? Seven or eight years?"

"You'll do fine," Harrison assured him.

"That's what I was telling him!" Mr. Russo said. "I just need him on the team to take us to the finals. I have a feeling that something is up."

"How?" Harrison asked, confused. 

"I have no idea how, but Justin is good at baseball," Mr. Russo explained. "It's almost like he suddenly became good overnight."

"So you just want me as back up?" Matt asked.

"Yes," Mr. Russo said. "As back up. And I have a sneaky suspicious that magic is involved."

"Isn't magic always involved when it comes to your kids?" Harrison said. "No offense, Jerry, but your kids, especially Alex and Justin, can't go a day without using magic."

"Tell me about it," Mr. Russo said. "I wish they were more responsible with magic."

"Justin is pretty good with magic," Matt said, "but knowing Alex..."

"She always somehow ropes him in," Mr. Russo finished.

"And she'll find a way to rope you in too," Harrison said to Matt.

"I know," Matt sighed. 

"Where's Jack?" Mr. Russo said.

"At his place," Matt shrugged. "Are you going to try to recruit him too."

"Yes, I am," Mr. Russo confirmed. "I'll talk to him the next time he comes over."


Matt and Jack went over to the Russo's house. Mr. Russo told them to swing by their place so he can bring the two with them to the baseball game with him and Justin and Max.

"Hey, Mr. Russo," Matt said, unenthusiastically.

"Hey, Matt, Jack," Mr. Russo said.

"Oh, you guys joined the baseball team?" Alex asked the two.

"Yup," Jack said, excitedly.

"Uh - huh," Matt said, giving Mr. Russo a look. 

"You look cute in the uniform," Alex complimented.

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