21 - Party

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Summer began and Matt spent the entire summer working in the mechanic store with his dad. Jack worked there as well at the mechanic store, but not as much as Matt.

Jack knew why Matt has been spending so much time.

"Come on, Matt," Jack said in the mechanic store.

Matt got up from under a care and wiped his hands in a towel. He threw his towel over his shoulder and began walking over to the tool box.

"Jack, I can't," Matt said.

"Why not?"

"I just can't," Matt said.

"Dude, you have to come to my party," Jack pleaded. "I need you."

"You can throw a party without me," Matt said. "You've done it a million times."

"But I need you this time," Jack said.

Matt sighed. "I don't know."

"Alex isn't coming, if you're wondering," Jack said. "She got grounded. Again."

"What - what did she do?" Matt said.

"She did something to Justin," Jack said. "I don't know what exactly, but... it almost seems somewhat magical in a way. There is some unusual thing going on in their place."

"What do you mean by magical?" Matt turned to his best friend.

"I - I don't know," Jack said. "I know that magic doesn't exist, but something strange always happens."

Matt took a deep breath.

"I'll come to the party," Matt gave in.

"You will?" Jack said, hopefully.

"Yeah," he nodded. 

"Great! It'll start at eight," Jack said. "Now, come on, you need to get ready."

"Wait, wait, wait," Matt said. "I still need to finish the car."

"You don't have to," Jack said.

Jack turned around and scanned the room quickly.

"Hey, Harmon!" Jack called to one of the mechanics.

"Yes, Anderson?"

"Finish Matt's car?"

"On it," Harmon said.

"Thanks," Jack smiled. He turned to Matt. "And you need a shower."

Jack took Matt's towel and threw it on the table and dragged Matt to the house and into the bathroom for a shower.

"I'll find you something to wear," Jack said. 

Matt took a shower and got out.

Jack had laid a pair of jeans, a t - shirt and a blazer on the bed.

Matt changed into them in the bathroom.

"Ready?" Jack asked when Matt reentered the classroom.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"Great," Jack smiled. "Let's go and prepare the house for the party."

"Are your parents okay with the party?" Matt asked.

"They're out of town, again," Jack said.

"Again?" Matt said. 

"Some business trip," Jack shrugged. "I don't care enough to ask."

Matt and Jack got to Jack's house and began preparing the house for a party. Everyone showed up late, as expected.

Music was blasting and everyone was dancing and having fun.

Matt walked over to the snack table and was deciding on what he wanted to eat and drink.

"Hey, Matt," a familiar voice said next to him.

It was Vanessa.

"Hey, Vanessa," Matt said.

"How was your summer?" she asked as she poured herself some punch.

"Alright," he shrugged. "I just worked at the mechanic store."

"Jack told me," Vanessa said. "I'm surprised he was able to drag you out of the store."

Matt smiled a little.

"What happened between you and Alex?" she asked.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "Things just got weird between us after her party. I told her that there's a girl that I like but I didn't tell her it was her. After the party, we talked about it again and..."

"You told her?"

"No," Matt shook his head. "I think she might've figured it out, I don't know. But whenever she began acting weird around me."

"I think she might like you," Vanessa said.


"She might like you."

"How do you know?"

"I overheard her talking to Harper at the substation," Vanessa said. "She said something about liking you. And I heard her say something about some car they need fixed and wanting wanting to ask you to fix it so she can talk to you."

"Huh," Matt said.

"Stop avoiding her," Vanessa said. "You should fix the car if she ends up actually asking you."

Matt didn't say anything. He was leaning against the table, staring ahead of him.

"I'll see you later," Vanessa said. 

She walked off with her punch and began mingling with some of the people at the party.

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