34 - Goodbyes

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Matt and Jack found themselves, spending their summer days, hanging out with their friends and their nights, going around New York, doing everything and anything they can before Jack leaves for the S.S Tipton.

Jack, Matt, Rose, and Harrison at the Waverly Subshop. 

"I can't believe you're leaving," Justin said. 

"Yeah," Jack said.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Harrison asked, smiling.

"Scared and nervous," Jack said, "but excited."

Matt smiled a little.

A man entered the Waverly Substation.

The conversation changed.

Theresa walked over to see what he wanted to eat.

Juliet entered and spotted the Taylors, Justin and Jack sitting at a table.

"Hey," Juliet greeted them.

Juliet almost froze when she saw the man.

"What?" Matt asked. "Everything okay, Juliet?"

"Oh, yeah," Juliet said. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Harrison looked at Juliet with concern. Harrison glanced at the man who had entered seconds before Juliet.

Matt took a deep breath.

Justin stood up.

"Alright," Justin said, "Juliet, ready to go?"

"Oh, yes," Juliet smiled.

The duo walked out of the restaurant. 

"Wonder what that was about," Jack said.

Matt glanced at the man.

Theresa walked away from him to make his sandwich.

Matt looked back at his best friend and family.

Matt had a feeling that the man was looking over at them, specifically him.

After some time at the restaurant, Jack helped fixed one last car before leaving.


It was the day to say goodbye to Jack.

Jack's parents were unable to drop off Jack at the port. Instead, Harrison was the one who took him. Matt and Rose got into the car with Harrison and drove over to Jack's house to drop him off.

"Hey," Harrison greeted Jack, who came out with his things.

"Hey," Jack smiled.

"Let me help you," Matt said, heading over to Jack and took one of his bags.

Harrison took Jack's suitcase.

"Thanks," Jack smiled.

They loaded the car with Jack's things and drove off.

Before heading over to the S.S Tipton, they went back to Waverly Street so Jack can say goodbye to the Russos.

"See you soon, Jack," Jerry said, hugging Jack.

"Yeah," Jack smiled.

The Russo's all said goodbye and hugged him except for Max, who only said goodbye.

Juliet walked into the restaurant.

"You're leaving already?" Juliet said, slightly disappointed.

"Yeah," Jack said.

"Well, it was nice knowing you, Jack," Juliet said.

"Well, I'll be back in the breaks," Jack smiled.

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