16 - Baseball

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Matt and Jack got to Waverely street. They had gone to the store to get a few things for Harrison.

Justin and a friend of his were standing outside. Justin had his tongue out and staring at a girl with a goofy smile on his face.

"Dude, close your mouth," his friend said. "Your tongue is going to dry out."

"Hey, guys," Matt greeted them.

"Ouch," he said, touching his tongue. 

He drank water.

He tried to speak but water spit out of his mouth.

"Ew," Jack said, taking a step back, "gross."

Justin wiped his mouth.

"Listen, man, why don't you just ask her out?" 

"Who's Justin crushing on now?" Jack asked.

"Kari Langsdorf."

"I can't ask her out Kari Langsdorf," Justin said. "She's got no idea who I am. She's never even talked to me. I'm totally invisible."

A really tall guy bumped into Justin and turned around and said, "Sorry, man, didn't see you there."

Matt and Jack raised their eyebrows. 

"Why would you?" Justin said. He turned back to his friends. "Totally invisible to everyone."

They overheard Kari Langsdorf reject the guy who bumped into Justin due to him not playing baseball.

Kari bumped into Justin.

"Sorry," she apologized. "Didn't see you there."

She walked away as Justin stammered.

"So, Justin, do you play baseball?" his friend asked. 

"There you go," Matt said.

"You play baseball, she'll go out with you," Jack said.

"There are the try outs," his friend said. "But are you trying out?"

"I might," Justin said, confidently.

"Do you think you have a shot to make it?"

"Absolutely not," he said. 

Matt and Jack entered the mechanic store to give Harrison everything he sent them to get and the two and Rose went to the substation.

"Hey, Alex," Harper Finkle greeted Alex. "Can I get a turkey sandwich?"

"I'm off the clock," she said, not looking up from the magazine. "You know where everything is."

"Hey, guys," Jack said. "Do you care if I make myself a sandwich?"

"Nope," Alex said. 

"If you're off the clock, then what are we doing here?" Harper asked. "I've got a jean jacket at home. That's not going to sequin itself."

"Relax, Harper," Alex assured her. "We're just waiting for my dad to come back with the team he's coaching so we can see the cute guys."

"How come you never do that when the basketball team and I come around?" Matt asked.

"Eh, not enough cute guys," Alex said.

Matt frowned. He felt something punch him in the gut. He was able to hide his expression pretty well. He's been doing this for a few years now, not showing how he feels whenever Alex is crushing on some guy.

If only she looked at him the way she looked at all those other guys. 

Jack looked at Matt, fully aware of how he feels for Alex.

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