13 - Chaos in a Movie

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"Oh my god," Matt whispered to himself.

Alex turned around in her spot, confused. 

"Where am I?" Alex asked the blonde girl.

"You're at the Zeta Theta Beta Sorority house, silly," the blonde said, "home to the prettiest and most popular girls on campus."

Some girls laughed. 

"Is that Ruby Donahue over there?" Alex gasped.

"No, silly," the blonde said. "That's Bambi, the sensitive one."

"I'll be back in a sec," Matt whispered to Jack.

"Okay," Jack said.

Matt got up and left the room.

Matt scanned the lobby area for Justin. He spotted Justin playing some arcade game.

"Justin!" Matt called as he rushed over to Justin.


Susan, Zack and Jack walked out of the room.

"Yeah? Hey, what are you guys doing?" Justin asked.

"Justin, that movie is way too scary!" Zack said. "There are some things in this life that you can never unsee."

"I wish I never watched this movie," Jack admitted.

"Well, where's Alex?" Justin asked. "She said she was going to catch up with you guys."

"Yeah, that's why I came out here, Justin," Matt said. 

"She never did," Susan said. "And weirdly enough, there's an actress in the movie that looks just like her."

"It's almost like magic," Matt said.

Justin got the hint.


"Yeah," Jack nodded. 

"She even sounded kind of like her," Susan said.

"Kind of?" Jack repeated. "She sounded exactly like Alex."

"Hey, Justin, can I talk to you for a sec?" Matt requested.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Justin agreed.

"Come here," Matt said, pulling Justin away.

"Alex used magic?" Justin said.

"Yes, and I couldn't stop her," Matt said. "We have to get into that movie."

"Okay, I'm going to get us into that movie," Justin said. He took a deep breath. "Alex Russo has messed up and put herself in a movie. Put us also in that movie."

"That didnt even sound like a spell," Justin said.

"Ya think?" Matt said.

Justin rolled his eyes.

Matt leaned against the wall. 

"What  do we do?" Matt asked.

After some time of trying to figure out a way into the movie, they figured it out.

"... in a groovy movie!" Justin finished as they appeared int he movie.

"Justin! Matt!" Alex exclaimed at the sight of her best friend and big brother.

She hugged them both.

"Alex," Matt sighed in relief.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"What's it look like we're doing?" Justin asked. "We're saving the day."

Suspenseful music suddenly began to play and a group of girls came running out screaming. 

Magic [Alex Russo]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon