31 - Application

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"This whole thing with Justin and Juliet has been crazy," Jack said as he and Matt finished.

"I know," Matt said. "I feel bad for him."

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "He really likes this girl."

Matt didn't say anything.

The two entered the basketball court in the gym.

"Hey, Matt?" Jack said as Matt walked over to the rack of basketballs.

"Yeah?" Matt said looking back as he got to the rack of balls.

"I've been thinking..." Jack took a deep breath, "have you heard of the SS Tipton?"

"Yeah?" Matt said, picking up a ball.

"Well, um, I'm thinking of applying to go to school on the cruise ship," Jack said as Matt threw the ball to him.

Matt felt like someone punching him in the gut. His best friend might leave New York for months at a time to go to school on a cruise ship.

"Really?" Matt said, hiding his sadness over the possibility that his best friend might leave him.

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "But I don't know if I should go."

"Why not?" Matt asked.

"Because I'll be leaving you and Alex," Jack said, "and all of my friends."

"Do you want to go?" Matt raised an eyebrow as he picked up a basketball for himself.

"I..." Jack hesitated to answer, "yeah, I do."

"Then go," Matt said. "If you really want to go, apply."

"You think so?" Jack said.

"Yeah," Matt said. 

"What about you?" Jack asked.

"I'll be fine," Matt assured him. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here whenever you come back for summer vacation and Christmas, if you can get off the boat for Christmas."

Jack smiled a little.

Matt gave Jack a reassuring smile. 

"Jack, I'll be fine," Matt said. 

Jack took a deep breath.

"Okay," he finally said. "I'll apply."

Matt smiled, happy for his friend, but wishing he wouldn't leave.

The duo were in the basketball court for an hour and half, playing basketball.

When they finished, they took showers in the gym's locker room and headed back to Waverly Place.

"What do your parents think about you going to the SS Tipton for school?" Matt asked.

"They seem fine with it," Jack shrugged. 

The two entered Waverly Substation.

"... Justin, Juliet, you can date," Jerry said.

"Whoa, what did we miss?" Jack asked.

"That's what I'm wondering," Matt agreed.



Justin and Juliet hugged each other in excitement.

"So it's official!" Juliet said, excitedly.

"Not until..." Justin said, "I write it on the white board," he smiled.

Justin walked over to the white board and 'make it official.'

"See, some people might find that weird," Juliet said, "but I just think it's charming."

Matt and Jack stared at her.

"That's charming?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

"Juliet, blink twice if you need help," Jack said.

Juliet smiled and nodded.

"I'll hold the marker cap!" she called to Justin as she rushed over to him.

Matt's and Jack's mouths hung open, stunned.


Matt and Jack sat at the dining table. Jack had brought his laptop over to the Taylor household to check his application.

Jack had applied to attend school at the SS Tipton after finding out that Justin and Juliet began dating and he had told Matt.

"Okay," Matt said. "Once you open that application, you'll find out whether or not you're going school on a cruise ship or not."

Jack took a deep breath, nervously.

"What's going on?" Harrison said coming up from the mechanic store.

"Oh, um, I might go to school on the SS Tipton," Jack said.

"The SS Tipton?" Harrison raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Uh - huh," Jack nodded. "I applied earlier this week and I'm finding out today whether or not I'm going."

Harrison quickly glanced at Matt before focusing his attention on Jack again.

"Alright, buddy," Matt said, smiling, "open it."

Jack opened the internet browser and logged into his account.

Jack bit his lip as he clicked on the application status.

Matt's and Jack's jaws dropped open.

Harrison bit his lip, waiting for Jack to announce it.

"I got in," Jack said in shocked. "I got in!" Jack jumped up in excitement

"That's awesome, buddy!" Matt smiled, jumping up as well and hugging Jack. "I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks, Matt," Jack said as he and Matt let go of each other."

"That's great," Harrison smiled.

"Thank you," Jack said. "Oh, god, I can't believe I got in."

"Me neither," Matt said.

He felt someone rip out his heart. 

It's official. Jack is going to leaving in the fall. 

The realization hit him, but he made sure Jack didn't know. As much as he was happy for Jack, he couldn't help but wish that he wasn't going to leave. He had no other choice but to be supportive. If not, then Jack might not go at all.

Jack leaned over to the laptop and confirmed his spot. 

"I gotta tell my parents," Jack said, realizing that he'll be leaving in the fall. "Well, um, I gotta go."

Jack closed his laptop and picked it up.

"I'll, uh, I'll see you guys later," Jack said.

He said goodbye to Matt and Harrison and headed home.

"Are you okay, buddy?" Harrison asked Matt after Jack closed the door behind him.

"Hm?" Matt said.

"You okay?" Harrison asked, concerned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Matt lied. 

"Talk to me, what's going on?" Harrison asked.

"I just..." Matt sighed. "I'm happy for Jack, but I wish he didn't have to go."

"Does he know you're feeling this way?" Harrison asked. 

"If I tell him, he won't go," Matt said, "and he really wants to go to school on the SS Tipton. I don't want to deprive him of it."

Harrison sighed, feeling for his son.

"Don't you think he deserves to know this?" Harrison asked.

"Yeah, but you saw how excited he is over getting accepted?"

"Hey, talk to him," Harrison said. "He deserves to know."

Matt took a deep breath. 

"I'll talk to him," Matt said, exhaling.

Harrison gave Matt a small smile.

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