09 - Dinner with the Russos

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Matt was at the mechanic store, helping his father running the mechanic store. Harrison did some paper work while Matt helped fix the cars and instruct the mechanics on what to do next.

Harrison walked out of his office while Matt was fixing a motorbike.

"Hey, Matt," Harrison said.


"Can you -"

Before Harrison could finish his request, Alex Russo came in and scanned the room until she spotted Matt.

"Matt!" she called. 

She rushed over to Matt and his father.

"Oh, hey, Alex," Matt said.

His heart jumped at the sight of Alex. 

"I need you to come over right -"

"I'm sorry, Alex, but Matt is busy right now," Harrison interrupted her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor, but this is an emergen -" Alex said.

"No, no, no," Mr. Taylor shook his head.

"But I need -"

"Alex, you can beg all you want, but my answer is still no," Mr. Taylor said.

Alex sighed. 

"Fine. When can Matt come over?" Alex asked. "I wanna tell my family that you guys are wizards?"

The moment that Alex revealed her plans, Harrison quickly looked over at Matt, furious.

"You told her that you're a wizard?" he demanded.

"Dad -"

"Mr. Taylor, I'm a wizard too," Alex quickly said. 

"What?" Harrison said, turning back to Alex. "You're a wizard?"

"Yeah, me, Justin and Max. My dad used to be a wizard."

"Huh," Harrison said.

"I can't believe you guys are wizards," Alex said, happily. "This is awesome."

Matt smiled.

"Yeah, well, we didn't know you guys were wizards," Harrison said.

"Yeah, I know," Alex said. "Who else knows? Other than me?"

"No one," Harrison said. 

"Not even Jack?" 

"No! Why would I tell Jack?" Matt asked. "He's a mortal. Would you tell Harper that you're a wizard?"

"I guess not," Alex said. 

"Alright," Harrison said. "Alex, we have to work."

"Okay," Alex said. "Oh! I just remembered! Mom is wondering if you guys can come over for dinner?"

"Yeah, we'll come over when we're done with dinner," Harrison agreed.

"Great," she smiled.

Alex left the mechanic store and Matt and Harrison continued to work.

Jack soon came over and began to work.

"Are you doing anything after school tomorrow?" Jack asked.

"No, why?" Matt said as he was fixing the wheels on a car.

"That new horror movie is coming out tomorrow," Jack reminded Matt. "Remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Matt remembered.

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