12 - The Movies

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Matt, Jack and Alex walked down the halls at school. Matt and Jack were talking about their plans after school when they spotted Susan and Zack talking.

"Hey, look," Jack said, smiling. "There are Susan and Zack."

"Follow my lead," Alex said.

She walked over to them and "accidentally" ran into Susan.

"Oh! Susan, hi," Alex said.

Matt and Jack glanced at each other and followed Alex.

"Hey, Susan," Matt said, smile.

"Hey," Jack greeted her.

"Oh, hi, guys," Susan greeted them.

"Did you hear about that new Ruby Donahue beret store that just opened in Brooklyn?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, me and Zack were just talking about it," Susan said.

"Yeah," Zack said, "they have a section for the guys."

"'Cause, um, Matt, Jack and I were thinking about going there later," Alex said. "Actually, we were thinking of doing anything 'cause we don't have any plans. What about you? What are you guys up to?"

"Well, a bunch of us are going to watch Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2," Susan said. "Wanna come with?"

"Who, me? Really? No, I couldn't," Alex said. 

"That's too bad," Susan said.

"Alright, I'll be there."

"Um, I gotta make sure I can with my dad, but sure," Matt shrugged.

"Yeah, why not?" Jack said.

Susan shut her locker door and she and Zack began to walk away. Alex began to follow them.

Matt and Jack said goodbye to them and headed to their next period class.


"How are we going to get into the movie?" Matt asked.

"I got us fake ID's," Jack said.

"You did?" Matt askers surprised.

"Yeah," Jack nodded. 

He took out his wallet and opened it.

"Here is you're fake ID," Jack said, taking out a care and handing it to Matt.

"Huh," Matt said, impressed. "Nice."

"I know a guy," Jack smiled.

Matt took out his phone and checked his messages.

"It's Alex," he said. "She said she'll meet us at the movie theater."

"Alright, cool," Jack said. "Let's go."

The two headed out the Taylor household and got to the movie theater. 

"There's Alex," Jack said when they got to the movie theater.

"Why's Max with her?" Matt wondered.

"C'mon," Jack said.

The two headed over to Alex and Max.

"I do like those," Max said, almost mesmerized.

Alex gently pushed him towards a group of kids.

"What -" Matt began.

"I'll explain later," Alex said. "Come on, guys."

The trio began to head over to Susan and the others.

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