06 - Invitations

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"Whoa! That last multiple choice question was really hard!" Harper said as she, Alex, Matt and Jack walked down the hall. "I got an 'A.'"

"Then how is it hard if you passed?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Matt agreed.

"I got 'D,'" Alex said, "and I'm pretty sure I'm right."

"'D' wasn't even close," Harper said. "Why are you so sure you're right?"

"No, I got a 'D' on the test," Alex explained. "What did you guys get on the test?"

"Oh, I got a 'C+,'" Jack said. 

"I got a 'B,'" Matt shrugged.

Alex noticed GiGi, a girl has tormented Alex since kindergarten, handing out invitations.

"Oh, look, GiGi's handing out invitations to her annual tea," Alex said, clearly not thrilled. 

"I'm glad we're not invited," Harper said, "because then we'd have to talk like this, 'Hullo, Mums, Hullo, Popsie," Harper began to speak in a horrible British accent. "It's this a lovely tea? Do you think my pinky' high enough?"

"No," Alex said, in a British accent as well. "Higher like this because if you're going to need to act like something terrible."

They both began to laugh. Matt and Jack glanced at each other. Matt was smiling and Jack was trying to hide his.

"What's the big deal with GiGi's annual tea, anyways?" Jack said. "It's just some lame tea party."

"Yeah," Matt agreed. "And you guys never get invi..." 

Alex gave him a look, causing his voice to trail away. 

"Good afternoon, Alex, Harper," GiGi said with her two friends following her. "Hey, Matt," she gave Matt a flirtatious look. "Jack."

She looked at Jack as if he was something stuck on her show that she was trying to get off.

Matt looked at her expressionless.

GiGi, like every other girl in this school, has attempted numerous times to go on a date with Matt, but he always declined. There was only one girl he wants to go out with, but unfortunately, she doesn't feel the same way.

"How's this lovely day been treating you so far?" GiGi asked.

It was obvious to Matt she was faking it.

"It was good until you came," Jack said.

"What happened to your faces?" Alex asked GiGi's friends. "Apply your make up with a hammer?"

Matt and Jack tried to hide their laughter. Their laughter was covered by GiGi and her friends fake laughter.

"That is really funny, Alex, but incorrect," one of GiGi's friends said. 

"What you see is the result of a new method where they inject stuff into your brain," GiGi's other friend added. "Then in a few days, it falls down into your cheekbones."

"Huh," Jack said. "Didn't think this new method would make you two look like hammers."

Matt bit his lip.

Alex smiled at Jack's comment. 

"Wait a minute, timeout," she said. "Why aren't you fighting back? We just bagged on your faces, which should be in a bag."

Matt smiled, but smile quickly disappeared when GiGi and her friends began to fake laugh at Alex's comment. 

"See? I did it again!" Alex said. "Why aren't you insulting Jack and I?"

"That's what I'm wondering too," Jack agreed. "Last time we checked, Matt is the only person you like from our group."

"Oh, but that was back when we were young and foolish," GiGi explained. 

"Wasn't that yesterday?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, it was," Alex confirmed. 

"My point exactly," GiGi said.

"That's why I'm inviting you, Alex, and Harper to my tea this weekend," GiGi said, giving Alex and Harper invitations. "And you're welcome to come, Matt."

GiGi batted her eyes at Matt, who looked disgusted.

"Yeah, I'll pass," Matt said. "I'm quite busy this weekend."

"Yeah," Jack nodded. "He and I are too busy working at the mechanic store."

"You're tea?" Harper said. "I've always wanted to go. Thanks, GiGi. This is great!"

"What?" Alex said, shocked.

"Since when?" Matt asked.

"Uh - uh, you never said you wanted to go," Jack said. 

"I hope you two came make it," GiGi said. "You too, Matty. Come, girls. Let's go make fun of Eddie until he cries."

"Hey, no one can call me Matty except for my dad and sister," Matt called after GiGi.

"Yeah, and me!" Jack said.

"Oh, yeah, you too," Matt said, looking at Jack.

"Guys, I've always wanted to go to a high tea," Harper said happily. "I love the idea of eating tiny, little sandwiches."

"If you want to eat tiny little sandwiches, you're welcome to my place," Jack said.

"You're place?" Harper repeated.

"Jack's parents are filthy rich," Matt explained. "And their house is amazing and -"

"Stop!" Jack said, embarrassed.


"You know how much I hate talking about my parents and their money," Jack said. "It's embarrassing."

"That explains how you can throw all those parties," Alex said, catching on.

Matt nodded. 

"Anyways, you're serious, Harper?" Jack said. "I don't mean to sound unsupportive, but are you out of your mind, woman?!"

"Yeah, exactly!" Alex agreed. "GiGi has terrorized us since we were in kindergarten!"

"Well, I think GiGi's taking the high road," Harper said, "and I want to reach out to her, and if you want to be a Negative Nellie, then go ahead."

"I'm sorry, but haven't you noticed how fake she and her friends were acting, Harper?" Matt questioned. "People all way overseas can sense that."

"Yeah," Alex agreed. "And the only Nellie I know is Nellie Rodriguez and she's a very positive, upbeat person."

"And cute," Jack added with a smile on his face.

Right at that moment, Nellie Rodriguez began walking past them.

"Hi, Nellie!" Harper greeted her. "You going to GiGi's tea?"

"Yeah! I can't wait!" Nellie said, enthusiastically. "It's gonna be so much fun! Hee hee hee!"

"So what are you gonna wear?" Harper asked as she and Nellie began to walk down the hall together.

"Ugh!" Alex said as she, Matt and Jack turned around and began to walk the opposite direction. "There's nothing worse than a positive Nellie."

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