26 - Discovery

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"What did I tell you?" Jack said, hitting Matt on the back of his head as he sat down next Matt.

Matt told Jack about his conversation with Alex at the race.

"What did I tell you?" Jack said. "I told you to tell her! I told you that she likes you back!"

"Well, when I tried telling her, her family began interrupting," Matt said.

Jack shook his head.

"How dod she even get into the car, anyways?" Jack asked. 

"I don't know," Matt lied.

"One moment she was there with us, I hear her say transport and then I pass out!" Jack said. "It's so weird. Weird things always happen around her. And you! It almost seems like... what's the word? Dammit, what is the word? Umm..."

Matt's heartbeat quickened. 

He took a deep breath.

Oh, god, Matt thought. Oh, god. What if he finds out? He can't! Everyone things magic doesn't exist!

"Magic!" he exclaimed. "That's the word! It's almost like magic! It's almost like something magic related happened for Alex to be with me and the pit crew one second and inside the car with you the next!"

"I don't know," Matt said.

"Look, I know it sounds crazy," Jack acknowledged. "But you gotta admit, weird stuff always happens are you guys."

"Yeah, I guess," Matt shrugged.


"Dad! Dad!" Matt called to his father.

"What?" Harrison said.

Matt went down to the mechanic store. Jack had gone home and Matt was free to talk to his father.

He entered his fathers office.

"I think Jack knows something is up," Matt said.

"What do you mean?"

"Jack notices how weird stuff always happens around us and the Russos," Matt said.

"He does?" Harrison said, his attention now on his son.

Matt nodded. "He described it as 'magic.'"

"Oh," Harrison said, leaning back on his chair.

"What do we do?" Matt asked.

"Try to avoid using magic around him," Harrison said. "Tell Rose. And the Russos. If we keep using magic around him..."

"He'll know," Matt said. "And we'll get into serious trouble."

Harrison nodded.

Matt took a deep breath.

Matt went back up and told Rose what their father told him.

The two then went to the Russos sub shop for dinner.

"Hey, Matt and Rose," Justin greeted them.

"Hey," Matt said. "We need to talk."

"O - oh," Justin stuttered in fear.

"And your family," Matt said.

He sighed in relief.

He called his family.

"What's going on, Matt?" Jerry asked.

"Jack is noticing how weird stuff always happens around us," Matt said.

Magic [Alex Russo]Where stories live. Discover now