Chapter 18

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I waited for a couple minutes, but Kevin didn't come to the door. I began to knock continuously and I heard him come stomping down the stairs, causing me to step back, waiting for him to open the door.

The door opened a crack and I saw Kevin's irritated face peek out at us. He gave Aiden a judgemental look. "Don't blame me, it was Ini's idea to visit." I shot him an annoyed look. "She mentioned the 'Soulmate Incident'. Sound familiar?"

He looked at me, shot me a glare and slammed the door in our faces. "Kevin! Come out here right now!" I yelled through the door.

He immediately shouted back a reply. "No! Mia broke my heart by cheating on me! You're in it as well, I see!" My temper immediately began to flare as I listened to his accusations. "And to top it all off, ever since the event, I've fallen sick! Now, go away!" I heard him go back up the stairs. Rachel turned to me, her face etched with worry.

"What are we going to do?! We need to tell Kevin how his words have affected Mia, before either band fades completely!" I ignored Rachel as I began to bang on his door continuously. After a couple of minutes, it was obvious he wasn't going to answer. "Should we try Alohomora?"

"And risk Kevin press charges against us for breaking and entering?!" I shouted, before calming myself. I gave Rachel a quick apology before going through my options. "We need to get Kevin to let us in voluntarily, without Mind-Messaging or forcing him through magic." Rachel nodded at my suggestion, but looked blank for ideas on how to do so.

Aiden jumped in at this point. "Why is it so important to talk to him about this incident? Can't you help Mia another way?" I shook my head, and explained what the book had said to him. He nodded before he gave me an idea. "If you annoy Kevin enough, he might let you in. He won't hear the door if he went upstairs and started blasting music." As if on cue, his window opened and 'Shinebaiinoni' began blaring. I rolled my eyes at his song choice as it was so childish. "Try to get under his skin!"

An idea began to form in my mind and I released my wings. I flew up to the window he had opened and began tapping. He turned to look at the disturbance and began glaring at me again, trying to shoo me away. "Silencio!" The music immediately shut off, much to the relief of the pedestrians who were walking past the apartment.

Kevin turned his back to me to try and reverse the spell on his laptop, giving me a chance to shoot another spell towards him. I used non-vocal magic so he wouldn't suspect anything until it was too late. 'Accio, band!' I thought with all my mental strength. A sparkling pink trail left my open hand, striking Kevin's band. His band followed the pink path into my hand, Kevin trying to grab it as he realized what happened.

I retracted my wings and bent my knees as I hit the ground to lessen the impact on my body. Kevin's head went through the open window and he looked down at me in fury. "Give it back! You have no right to take that from me!"

I yelled back: "I'll be keeping it until you let us in!" He disappeared back into his apartment and I heard his footsteps as he stomped back towards his front door. As I waited, I examined his band. Though hardly noticable, I saw small tears dotted all through his band, showing the effect of wasting away. Kevin flung open the door, holding out his hand for his band. "No, you'll let us in first. I can't risk you slamming the door right after receiving the band."

He grumbled under his breath. I leaned in closer, indicating I couldn't hear him. "Come in then," he muttered in defeat.

Rachel barged in, pushing past Kevin. She dragged me up the stairs and navigated the way to his living room. Aiden followed us and Kevin trudged after all of us. Rachel claimed the sofa for me and her, and Aiden took the armchair, leaving Kevin to grab an uncomfortable chair from his kitchen.

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