Chapter 25

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~29th April, 2022

My eyes slowly opened, and I took a moment to adjust to the brightness of the morning. I then sat up, my tangled bush that I call hair falling past my shoulders. I rubbed my eyes sleepily before turning to my husband, who was still snoring away next to me, his face hidden under his short blue hair.

I groaned slightly, as I heard a loud cry, followed by jumbled noises (which sounded vaguely like Mama and Dada) emanating from the baby monitor on my bedside table.

It sounded as though Lily was awake.

I gave Kevin's shoulder a firm shake.

"Another five minutes," he mumbled, before turning over.

"Heh, no chance, our daughter is awake. I'm nine months pregnant with our son, so you can attend to her."

"I'll get up in a minute."

I grumbled as I got up out of bed. Kevin was the worst in the morning. He could be the best dad for the rest of the day, but it was nigh-impossible to get him out of bed, even for our daughter.

I followed the loud crying to the second bedroom, where Lily now slept. We had celebrated her first birthday four months before. She was spoiled to death with new toys and clothes and tiny little wood-block puzzles (my Mum's idea).

I bent over the crib, to see Lily thrashing around on her blanket. Her favourite teddy bear was on the floor, next to the crib, meaning Lily was in a pretty bad mood.

I lifted her up, and tried to figure out if there was anything wrong other than hunger. Her nappy seemed to sag a little, and I held back a groan when I realised what that meant.

I pulled down the changing table from the wall, allowing it to open. I laid Lily on it.

I undid her nappy and almost gagged from the smell. Holding my breath, I pulled the nappy away and disposed of it in a plastic bag. I then used magic on the wipes to clean her bum, too squeamish to go anywhere near the mess with my bare hands.

Once she was all cleaned up, I noticed a couple of red patches and used some cream to hopefully calm the rashes. I then put a clean nappy on her, and her crying let up slightly.

I carried her to the kitchen and sat her in her high-chair. I opened the cupboard and brought out a cartoon of eggs. I placed one in a pan of boiling water and let it boil for a short time before I scooped it out with a spoon and laid it in an egg cup. I left it to cool, and wondered why Kevin hadn't come through yet. I hope he wasn't still in bed.

When the egg cooled, I cracked it open and began to feed Lily. She appreciated the change from mushy toast and ate it up eagerly. "Yummy!" she exclaimed in delight. She had been able to speak single words at about the same time she learnt to walk.

So, about four months ago, then.

I put four more eggs in the pan for me and Kevin and released Lily from her highchair. She began toddling around the kitchen, holding a soft toy that had been discarded under the table the night before.

A wave of pain hit me hard, and I bent over in pain, grasping the counter to prevent myself from falling. I managed to turn off the stove before a strange sensation went through me and the kitchen floor became soaked.

Oh no! I knew what this was! Our son was coming!

"Lily," I called, gritting my teeth, as the pain continued sweeping through my stomach.

She looked at me curiously. "Mama?"

"Get Dada!" I told her and pointed in the direction of our room.

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