Chapter 3

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Racquelle's POV

I just snapped, when Mia came up to me. That annoying goody-two-shoes. She already irritated me enough, but she was nice company when Ellis and his mates ganged up on me. We had both been bullied by that idiot.

"Um, Racquelle, is something wrong?" she asked, a concerned look on her face. I just boil over.

"Just leave me alone, Mia!" I shout at her, not caring about the hurt look that instantly appeared on her face. And the tears that began to drip from her eyes, leaving tear tracks on her cheeks. I continued on my rant. "You bump into me and have the audacity to not apologize. And then you get my phone and Airpods confiscated, you goody-two-shoes. You, Rachel and Louis! I hate the lot of you!"

The tears are falling freely, little drops clinging to her eyelashes. She makes no attempt to stop the flow, just staring at me. I turn away from her, looking towards the doors that Rachel had just entered. I stayed in here to avoid them, to cool down. But, nooo, Mia had to interfere.

"Racquelle..." she starts before flinching as I violently turn in her direction. I guess my height is intimidating to her, putting me at an advantage. She takes a deep breath, her tears glittering from the sunlight shining in through the windows. "I never meant to get your Airpods taken. You looked like you could have shot magic at Louis, with that murderous gaze you were sending his way. I leaned back to conjure a shield between the two of you, but attracted the teacher instead." She looks down, avoiding my eyes. She wraps her hands together. "And when I bumped into you, I didn't have the chance to apologize as I was pushed away before I could."

She could come up with a excuse for anything. I stepped forward to retort, causing her to step backwards, ending up with her back to the wall. Nowhere to run, but I don't understand why she is so scared. She is strong, strong enough to fight back against me, even without magic. Not I intended to attack her.

"What about that time you used magic against me." I was growing angrier by the second. Her eyes grew wider.

"That was two years ago! And, if I remember correctly, you were intending to use magic against me, I was just defending myself!" She started to shout at me, leaning forward, her cheeks growing red. "And also, wasn't that the day you broke my ankle!" Her eyes burned with determination, staring directly into mine.

My body grew hot, my anger growing into pure rage. She bumps into me, gets my stuff confiscated, and she thinks it's okay to shout at me. She has no right to do that.

My hands also grow warm, and my hidden Soulmate Mark begins to burn. The one thing she doesn't know, my relationship with Olivia Garcia, despite how obvious we were. She's so oblivious.

"You think you can just shout at me!" I yell at her, and she shrinks back slightly, still maintaining eye contact with me. I lean forward and she puts her arms up as a defense mechanism. Suddenly, her eyes fill with a look of realization and she uses her short stature to duck under my arms, that I had placed on the wall either side of her.

She runs away with surprising speed, dashing up the stairs. As I run after her, my long legs allowing me to keep up with her, I notice her duck into the bathroom and hide in a cubicle. I follow her, banging open the cubicle before she had the chance to lock it, only to notice she had disappeared. I look up, and notice the window was just open enough to allow her to slip through, but I wouldn't be able to fit through.

I suddenly receive a Mind-Message:

Mia: 'Also, I've found my soulmate, you haven't! Suck on that!'

'How dare she?!' My rage blinds me. What a cowardly girl! She won't get away with this!

Mia's POV

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