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~ 31st August 2027

"Mummy! Daddy!" The bed jostled as a hyper six year old jumped on top of us.

"Lily! What did I say about waking us up in the morning!" I grumbled, turning over and checking my phone. It was 8:00am. Ugh, this kid is too much like Ini.

"I'm bored. Allen is still asleep and I was told to never wake him up in the morning," she complained and I opened my eyes to get a proper look at her. Her light brown curls were approaching her mid-back, her purple streak very prominent as it framed the left side of her face.

"Yeah, because you annoy him enough in the day. He needs a break from it, you know?" I murmured, pushing her curls behind her ear. Her deep blue eyes, mirroring her dad's, bore into my brown ones.

"Anyway, the party's today! It's Miku's twentieth anniversary and so Maryann is holding a party!" she squealed in excitement, making me cringe at the high pitch. "Also, Daddy! Wake up!"

Kevin shot up, with a strange garbled noise escaping his lips. "Ugh, Lily. I am not a morning person."

"Neither am I, Kevs, and yet I seem to be the one who wakes up and cares for the kids every morning. Now, get your lazy ass out of bed!"

"I guess I have no choice, right?" he asked me. I shook my head. He groaned and left the bed. He left the bedroom, Lily trailing after him.

I smiled sleepily, before I stretched and got out of bed myself. I headed straight to the children's bedroom to wake up my five year old. When I opened the door, a large boom! sounded in my ears, making me freeze as I waited for my ears to stop ringing.


I opened the door tentatively and saw Allen awake in his bed with absolute fury upon his face. As I looked in the room, I was surprised to see Lily's stuffed toys scattered everywhere, some of which were torn. They were usually lined up neatly on her side of the window sill.

"Woah, Allen, calm down!" I exclaimed, coming right to him. I rubbed his back until the fury in his eyes was replaced with sadness. "What happened?"

"Lily destroyed the train tracks I spent hours laying down last night!" As I looked back at the carnage on the floor, I noticed pieces of his wooden train track. I knew Allen was passionate about his trains.

"What was that noise I heard before I came in?" I asked.

"I don't know. As soon as I saw my train track in pieces this morning and realized what Lily had done, it felt like something escaped me as all her stuffed toys seemed to explode from her windowsill."

I was using my magic to repair and return Lily's toys to her windowsill while I listened to Allen but I dropped them as I realized what he just said.

Lily came into the room at this point, talking about Kevin making breakfast, until she noticed her favourite teddy bear (whose ear had been torn off) at her feet. She picked him up with tears in her eyes.

"What did you do, Allen?!" she shouted, tears streaming down her face. "You know this is my favourite teddy bear!"

"I didn't mean to -" he protested, but was cut off as the train models on his side of the windowsill began flying across the room and breaking as they made contact with the wall.

I looked at Lily closer, and noticed a faint purple glow around her hands as she clutched her teddy bear tightly.

Allen roared at Lily, watching all his models break. He jumped out of bed and I had to physically block him from getting to her.

"Calm down! Both of you!" I yelled, and they both stared at me in surprise. The train models were still flying towards the opposite wall and I flung out my hand to prevent the last model from impacting the wall. I could feel a faint magic force fighting with me, but I was much stronger and brought it to my hands.

Secrets Revealed (Book #3 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now